Html in pages a bit like eggs? - Page 1

User 72537 Photo

Registered User
62 posts

It gets scrambled!

I have a Terms and Conditions page that has links to paragraphs further down the page.
I set it out all nice like, as in my first quote below, and it all works fine.

But if I close then re-open Shopping cart creator pro it gets the egg treatment and looks like the second quote below.

This does the same with all html right down the page so it makes it harder to edit plain text as its not so clear to see.

Is there any way to keep the way I set it out as both layouts work the same its just that it gets scrambled on exiting and re-opening the program.


<A HREF="#Acceptance"> Acceptance of Terms and Conditions</A><P>
<A HREF="#Distance">Distance Selling Regulations</A><P>
<A HREF="#Security">Credit Card Security</A><P>
<A HREF="#Shipping">Shipping and Handling</A><P>
<A HREF="#Returns">Returns</A><P>
<A HREF="#DamagedGoods">Damaged Goods</A><P>
<A HREF="#ContactUs">Contact Us</A><P>
<A HREF="#PrivacyPolicy">Privacy Policy</A><P>
<A HREF="#Disclaimer">Disclaimer</A><P>
<A HREF="#ProductDetails">Product Details Sizes Dates and Display</A><P>
<A HREF="#copyright">Copyright Information</A>


[[[<hr>]]][[[<A HREF="#Acceptance"> Acceptance of Terms and Conditions</A><P><A HREF="#Distance">Distance Selling Regulations</A><P><A HREF="#Security">Credit Card Security</A><P><A HREF="#Pricing">Pricing</A><P><A HREF="#Shipping">Shipping and Handling</A><P><A HREF="#Returns">Returns</A><P><A HREF="#DamagedGoods">Damaged Goods</A><P><A HREF="#ContactUs">Contact Us</A><P><A HREF="#PrivacyPolicy">Privacy Policy</A><P><A HREF="#Disclaimer">Disclaimer</A><P><A HREF="#ProductDetails">Product Details Sizes Dates and Display</A><P><A HREF="#copyright">Copyright Information</A>]]][[[<hr>]]]
User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

More than scrambled, it just looks as if everything has had line breaks removed from the code. That is pretty normal as those "manual" line breaks in code can cause problems at times. Just use the code itself to create you line breaks so as to avoid empty trailing spaces.
User 72537 Photo

Registered User
62 posts

Thanks Janys but

Its only in Shopping cart creator pro it scrambles it.
In IE it shows up fine formated either way.

I have only inserted HTML code for links which are inside the [[[ ]]] brackets the rest of the text is left for Shopping cart creator pro's formating like Colour, Size, Bold etc.

If I put <br> or <br /> in, it then shows up as a line break in IE which isn't what I want.
With line breaks in, Shopping cart creator pro still scrambles on closing and then re-opening the program.

If its scrambled or not in Shopping cart creator pro it does show correctly in IE.

I suppose I could change the html code to a different colour. :/
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

The HTML tool really wasn't design with that sort of thing in mind, so preserving the formatting was never a concern for us. I will bring this up with our developers and see if it something that can be tweaked.
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User 72537 Photo

Registered User
62 posts

A bit different but connected, Sometimes in Shopping cart creator pro if I do a lot of editing deleating and inserting code or text formating etc. it does show OK in Shopping cart creator pro but it must leave formating behind that is hidden as in IE it shows wrongly.

I do clean any text if I do not type it in directly in Textpad or Notepad++ so I know I am not putting any formatting in by mistake, it is Shopping cart creator pro that seems to leave bits in.

View it in IE and it shows up wrong (text sizes, line spacing etc.)
If I deleate all spacing and then re put in any manual line breaks spaces corrects itself.

I must be deleating formating code that is left behind.

Ah I posted before seeing you're answer Scott, Yes it would be good to retain the visual formating as typed for ease of editing.
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Eno Nedlog wrote:
A bit different but connected, Sometimes in Shopping cart creator pro if I do a lot of editing deleating and inserting code or text formating etc. it does show OK in Shopping cart creator pro but it must leave formating behind that is hidden as in IE it shows wrongly.

I do clean any text if I do not type it in directly in Textpad or Notepad++ so I know I am not putting any formatting in by mistake, it is Shopping cart creator pro that seems to leave bits in.

View it in IE and it shows up wrong (text sizes, line spacing etc.)
If I deleate all spacing and then re put in any manual line breaks spaces corrects itself.

I must be deleating formating code that is left behind.

Ah I posted before seeing you're answer Scott, Yes it would be good to retain the visual formating as typed for ease of editing.

Here's a post that might help understand that issue of the text formatting (styling leaving behind formatting etc.) issue with SCC & SCC Pro which has been an issue from the start. … post139374
User 72537 Photo

Registered User
62 posts

Thanks Jo
I am finding that just editing (a lot of) seems to leave something behind I still cant say what is doing it apart from resizing text till I get it as I want and just trying other different things.

Then I veiw in IE and odd paragraphs are not the same size text as all the rest.
I go back to SCCP and sometimes can sort the problem by deleating all white space between lines of text till they touch each other and then respacing again. But some times even this does not do it.

If I cannot sort the problem I deleate the lot and re-paste from notpad++ then it's all ok again (till I start tweeking things again)

If I find more of a patern of when it happens I will post what I find.
Scott has said

The HTML tool really wasn't design with that sort of thing in mind, so preserving the formatting was never a concern for us. I will bring this up with our developers and see if it something that can be tweaked.

So fingers crossed
User 204387 Photo

Registered User
138 posts

I have not read the whole string, but I had the same problem customizing the extra pages.
Here is a work around that works.
Instead of inserting HTML code (not recognised by the program)
use "I Frame". Work on the external "I Frame" page with normal HTML then call that page
into the frame. Job's a good un!

User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Baz wrote:
I have not read the whole string, but I had the same problem customizing the extra pages.
Here is a work around that works.
Instead of inserting HTML code (not recognised by the program)
use "I Frame". Work on the external "I Frame" page with normal HTML then call that page
into the frame. Job's a good un!


Hiya Baz,

I'm not sure if you are inserting the code correctly if you're having that much difficulty that it's not recognizing your HTML. I have a bit of HTML and scripts for forms running on my products pages and on other pages of my site that are inside the program such as the Shop Home page and they work just fine for me. It takes a bit of finagling to figure out what works the best for inserting it sometimes, but it definitely does work.

Other than that, I have half or more of my site outside of the program as external HTML pages that I created in HTML Editor, which is also a possible alternative.

Not sure how safe using iFrames is on the shop pages, but it's probably a good work around too if it's safe :)
User 204387 Photo

Registered User
138 posts

It seems pretty stable, (famous last words). I will be uploading a shop this week
using I Frames for static pages. See what you think.


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