I'm Stumped - Page 1

User 2140875 Photo

Registered User
378 posts

Just trying to figure out SCCP and SCDP. I've created a trial shopping cart for a site I maintain and now need to add a contact button and page. Let me say that I DO NOT KNOW CODING.

I can create a contact form with the great Web Form Builder software. How do I add a contact button and the contact form to the SCDP cart page??

I did do a search for this, but from the responses was not able to figure it out.

Thanks in advance,


User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

Hi Galen, Open your cart in SCCP. Click on 'Pages' on the top menu. Over on the right you will see a list of your pages. You can rename your page from here if you like, or click the + symbol to add a new page and title it 'Contact' (or what ever). Then on the left of the new page is where you will enter the html from the web form builder. There is an HTML button on the toolbar above the page. Simply click that and add the code from WFB. You will need to upload all WFB files.

Your form should then appear on that page. :cool:

One note, depending on your theme...sometimes the new page appears as a drop down under Shop Home. Sometimes it wont. Depends on the theme.
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!
User 2140875 Photo

Registered User
378 posts

Thanks Gunsmoke, worked like a charm. It added it to the bottom of the page as a link.

So now the question is can I add it as a button near the top, in line with the other navigation buttons?

User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

I'm not sure. I haven't been able to, but I don't really code. I've looked at various themes and it seems that if you have a side navigation theme, it adds the extra pages just fine, but if you have top navigation it adds as a sub menu. It may be a spacing problem, I'm not sure. Eric or someone else may know more. I'm as stumped as you are at this point. :P
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,250 posts

This will get it done.
http://progrower.coffeecup.com/shop/vie … groupid=43
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2140875 Photo

Registered User
378 posts

Thanks Eric. I will give that a try. I happen to run across that post late last night.

And Gunsmoke, Thanks for your help also.

User 2140875 Photo

Registered User
378 posts


Have contact working now. Thanks.

Two more questions, and thanks for your patience.

1. Is there a way to only have the "Contact US" appear at the bottom of the page and not appear as a drop down under the Home button also??

2. On the Home Page for my shop I think there is supposed to be an image to the left, but none appears, only text I have entered. (See attached screen shots.) Where in the heck do I go in SCCP to add the image. I've looked all over the place. And if there is not supposed to be an image there, I can't seem to get the text to go completely across the Shop description. I have checked and changed the padding in SCDP but that doesn't seem to affect it.

Again, thanks for help.
User 2336860 Photo

Registered User
252 posts

Galen Garretson wrote:
1. Is there a way to only have the "Contact US" appear at the bottom of the page and not appear as a drop down under the Home button also??

To add a link to the footer, just add in the following code in the Your Shop>Custom Markup>Footer Contents:
<div class="scs_flat_navmenu"><a href="privacy_policy.php">Privacy Policy</a>&#160; | &#160;<a href="terms_conditions.php">Terms & Conditions</a>&#160; | &#160;<a href="rstones2/index.html">rStones 2 Tutorial</a></div>
This will add a second line of footer links into your shop. This is how I add in more pages on my site. Just replace the links and text.
Now you can go into SCCP in the Pages section and remove (or rename) the Contact Us page.

Galen Garretson wrote:
2. On the Home Page for my shop I think there is supposed to be an image to the left, but none appears, only text I have entered. (See attached screen shots.) Where in the heck do I go in SCCP to add the image. I've looked all over the place. And if there is not supposed to be an image there, I can't seem to get the text to go completely across the Shop description. I have checked and changed the padding in SCDP but that doesn't seem to affect it.

SCDP shows the entire layout on a single page. You will note that the image you are seeing in SCDP is under Category 1. If you click on the image SCDP should switch you to editing Product Category.
It takes a bit to get your head wrapped around how SCDP and SCCP interact with each other. :)

User 2140875 Photo

Registered User
378 posts


Thanks for your help. Me being a non-coder really puts me behind the 8 ball.

I took your code and edited it to read:
<div class="scs_flat_navmenu"><a href="shopcontact.php">Contact Us</a></div>

The Contact link now shows up on a separate line. However when I click it the contact form appears in an explorer window and not within the context of the shop site.

Adding it the way Gunsmoke suggests makes it appear in the context of the shop site, but again, adds the extra button under home.

Can you give me a tip on what I am doing wrong?

Thanks again,
User 2140875 Photo

Registered User
378 posts


Sorry, here is the site I am working on so you can see for yourself what is happening:

You'll also be able to see what I am talking about in reference to the shop home page. All the text is pushed to the right as if there should be an image to the left.

Thanks again.

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