Everyone works so hard on their website, Lots of hours and even weeks of work. So it seems that everyone else is afraid to say anything but good things about it, or say nothing at all. There has to be problems with my website that someone has seen but not telling me. I'm sure I will over time make adjustments till I find most of them but would be nice to know now.
I think you have a good start but have work to do. (as I have work to do on mine as well)
1. You are not giving your visitors any reason to trust you. I could not tell where you are located or even what country you are in. Most people will not buy from anyone that they can't call on the phone. I myself want to see an address. Take a look at the coffeecup website. You will find contact phone numbers and addresses. You get the feeling that you can trust those people.
2. Larger fonts would help us older people a lot.
3. You have all your products on your home page and then again on your category page. It gives the Over load effect (my home page needs thined a little as well), No need to have categories if everything is on one page.
The above is meant to be helpful.
By modern standards I guess I was out of line, so forget I said all that .. Your site is fine and looks great. Don't worry about a thing, you should have no problems at all.