Thanks JoAnn. The products are set to show on the Souvenir page. You can see them on there. I'm sure it's something stupid, but for the life of me, I can't understand what.
Go into Your Shop Settings > Pages and look at the Categories Page area. See what you have set for "Show products". You may want to set it to "All Products".
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Ok, yes there are 3 products in that category. Yes it is showing up on it's own page. And here's even weirder, when I click on the Preview button in the software, and look for the Category page, the Souvenir category is there, but it's not showing up on the web. I've uploaded numerous times now, maybe just a hiccup in the web?
Go into Your Shop Settings > Pages and look at the Categories Page area. See what you have set for "Show products". You may want to set it to "All Products".
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
Yes!! That's where the issue was Scott, and I do recall that I had to completely redo my entire pages so before you wipe that out, I would suggest screen shots of the pages as uploaded so you can recreate them easier than I did without any warning that I'd have to do that LOL *smacks Scott again* 
Providing of course, that this is the issue

Providing of course, that this is the issue

OK, I set the category page settings for show products and now the category is up there. But it's the CATEGORY page, and I really only want what the settings say is allowed, just the category names and the sub-categories, NOT products. I had just the category and sub categories of the Book Category, why won't it do that for all the categories? Glitch in YOUR system? That just doesn't seem to be working properly Scott. I shouldn't have to load products for the category name to appear on the Categories main page, right?
I gotta run the kid to school open house. But Scott, the PREVIEW button in the software showed the page as it should, JUST the main categories AND the sub-categories for the Books, WITHOUT showing products, but when I upload it to the web, it requires that the products be shown in order to show the second category Souvenirs. SOOO something must be off in the software. I really don't want the products showing up on the category page, kinda defeats the whole short and sweet aspect, ya know?
HEY, did I tell you today how much I LOVE this software!!?? I DO, I love it. And thanks for putting up with me!!
HEY, did I tell you today how much I LOVE this software!!?? I DO, I love it. And thanks for putting up with me!!
Ok, I am confused. What is it you are trying to accomplish again? You don't want any products at all to show up on the categories page, only the category names?
If that is the case, just uncheck the box "show products".
Sorry, just not following what you are trying to do.
If that is the case, just uncheck the box "show products".
Sorry, just not following what you are trying to do.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
How did you get the bullet points in the description? I like that. I'm downloading updates atm, so I can't get into SCD or SCCP. But looking now, I think your bullet points are gone. I'm sure I saw them on your site.
How did you get the bullet points in the description? I like that. I'm downloading updates atm, so I can't get into SCD or SCCP. But looking now, I think your bullet points are gone. I'm sure I saw them on your site.

The bullet points are on this page. … oductid=85
I got lazy and did not put them on all pages.
I Just copy and paste from a word editor like MS Word or my other website.
Scott Swedorski wrote:
Ok, I am confused. What is it you are trying to accomplish again? You don't want any products at all to show up on the categories page, only the category names?
If that is the case, just uncheck the box "show products".
Sorry, just not following what you are trying to do.
Ok, I am confused. What is it you are trying to accomplish again? You don't want any products at all to show up on the categories page, only the category names?
If that is the case, just uncheck the box "show products".
Sorry, just not following what you are trying to do.
OK, Scott - I'm back and yeah, I'm confused too!
OK, all I want to show on the Category page is:
Categories in Books
Local George Washington
(no subcategories here -but there are products here)
My problem was that if the settings are set for
* Show the list of Categories, Show Category Name, Show Subcategories. ,
the only thing that shows up on the Category page is:
Categories in Books
Local George Washington
Souvenirs does NOT show up, even though it is a posted category, with
items in it. It did not show up on that page until I checked the * Show Products
SOOO, here's my problem. I dont want the products to show up on the
Category page. I have a lot of stuff to add yet and I thought that I could just
have the Category page show just the Categories and the Sub-Categories,
not products. And from the setting options - it seems like I should be able to
do that.
And again, the weird thing is, if I leave the settings for just showing the categories
and sub-categories and leave the show product box unmarked, and then I hit
the PREVIEW button, the page shows up correctly.
DId I manage to unconfuse you or did I make it worse? And now I'm home and
don't have the laptop with me with the program on it., but I want'ed to reply
to try to make you understand just what the problem is.
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