Shipping questions... - Page 1 - Post...

User 1883495 Photo

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48 posts

Shipping is giving me fits. I need to charge by whatever state we will be shipping to based on the weight range of the item. The preview isn't really giving me much in the way of verifying functionality since the shopping cart doesn't work.

Is there a way to bulk edit all the shipping rates for the states? Editing all 50 entries x 5 shipping ranges per means 250 entries, that's about 2 hours work. I can create what I need in a spreadsheet in about 10 minutes.

With weight based shipping can the customer be required to choose a destination? Currently many of them checkout without ever selecting a state.


/RB - Give a Bat a Home!
User 2224366 Photo

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I sure wish there was an easier way to do it. Even if you had the rates in a table, you can only paste them down under the weight column, and not across the state row. Also, when (not if) USPS increases their rates, we get to do this all over again!

I have downloaded the USPS zone charts and the weight charts. Then I had to look up the zip codes for each state and figure out their zone. I put all of that information in a table to work with. I wanted to do this for both Priority Mail and Parcel Post, which means a really lot of work. This is really taking a bite out of my time.

I found a shipping calculator and wish that I could use it some how. It's called PaidAuction, and has remarkable functionality. There is a free and paid version. Perhaps CC would consider integrating their shipping calculator into future Shopping Cart Creator Pro's updates.

One thing you might want to consider is just using Zone 6 or 7 for everybody. You will be overcharging for some, and losing on others, but maybe it will average out.

User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Robert...shipping issues, in particular for the US, come up over and over again. Please do a little research in the forums to pick up on at least some of the other topics and posts covering this.

In conclusion, there is no easy way out and to give your potential customers a full view of what shipping entails - yes - it will involve adding in all the shipping details and - yes - if UPS changes you will need to make changes. From a practical point of view, one would hope that such changes would not occur too often! :rolleyes:
User 492945 Photo

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7 posts

Robert - I'm running across the same thing, but even trickier. We're sound equipment contractors and dealers. We're trying to set up an internet site to sell some of the more common equipment. However, whatever they order will be shipped from different warehouses depending on the brand/vendor and where their warehouse is located.
I can't figure out a way to calculate this without losing money or seriously overcharging. I can't figure out a cohesive way to do this at all.

Janys - I'm sure many people run across this issue and you think they should not start a new thread, but maybe their particular issue wasn't addressed or they were looking for fresh feedback. I think everyone is looking for a little help from fellow users and from CoffeeCup on this. Telling someone tough cookies and there is no easy way doesn't help or bring anything to the table.
User 2154905 Photo

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I was told a year and half ago that they would have a shipping calculator in place. Still nothing and now I was told that it was put on the back burner because of other pressing matters. That disappoints me because I'm in sales and when I promise something to a customer I deliver.

Excuses diminishes your credabilty and reputation.
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Hate to say it, but why are you promising something to your customer that you aren't creating? Truly you should never promise something to someone when it's coming from a 3rd party. You don't have the power to make it happen lol. In the end, the one that really loses the credibility and reputation is you. CC never has said anything about this being added let alone given any time frames. Very seldom do you see a time frame ever added here. Not sure where you would have gotten that information from, but I never saw any promises on that feature.

Other than that, you're not the only one waiting on this and I am not sure just how soon anything like this will be added. Time will tell.
User 187934 Photo

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I don't think he promised anything. He's just making a statement.:P I agree with you Jo. I never saw an actual date planned.;)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

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User 2154905 Photo

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I asked this question over the phone when I upgrade Shopping Cart Creator Standard to Pro.
User 539803 Photo

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2,156 posts

Alex Breza wrote:
I'm in sales and when I promise something to a customer I deliver.

I am in sales also and i too will provide anything i promise
Not sure i have ever heard any promises from CC apart from SOON
Scott look out theres a frying pan about :lol:

Shipping calculator ? never seen that request at all, nice idea though
Started using CC VSD in January 2009, I don't do HTML code, Sales from CC site exceeding expectations taken me out of semi-retirement
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User 2154905 Photo

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5 posts

Viv ...VSD & SCCP user wrote:
Alex Breza wrote:
I'm in sales and when I promise something to a customer I deliver.

I am in sales also and i too will provide anything i promise
Not sure i have ever heard any promises from CC apart from SOON
Scott look out theres a frying pan about :lol:

Shipping calculator ? never seen that request at all, nice idea though

Maybe they should have told the receptionist she shouldn't have made that statement.

Let's get one thing straight here Eric Rohloff seems to understand my post and I will thank him now.
Thank you Eric.

I didn't make any promises to my clients I made a statement. It's CoffeeCups receptionist made that statement to me when I called in to upgrade shopping cart creator standard to pro she said that there will be a shipping calculator coming soon.

So let's cut through the chase here is there going to be an upgrade for a shipping calculator for USPS CPS FEDEX UPS etc or NO? I asked this question to Chris and the answer was for the time being it's been placed on the back burner.

An honest answer would be welcomed and appreciated yes or no.

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