For the sole purpose of expressing his personal opinion in this public forum. Agree, disagree, or move on down the line...but don't goosestep all over it.

+1 for this.
I don't see any disrespect in WILL_UK's comment, nor anyone else's. People are expressing disappointment and impatience -- they're not slamming CoffeeCup or calling them incompetents. I appreciate any forum where the 'management' doesn't step in and indiscriminately delete posts that are not 100% favorable to them, and that includes this one. (forum)
By the same token, I'm not real big on forums that are largely populated by blind corporate shills and apologists. I'm not saying that this one is one of the latter, but there are occasions where a gang of regulars will take a thread off-topic by rushing to the defense of CC with a paragraph or two BEFORE suggesting that a frustrated user take a deep breath and provide more specific information to obtain assistance.