I think that all this came about as a result of someone misinterpreting what I said in one of my postings in this thread, instead of reading what I
actually said.

At no time have I ever said anything negative about the pro version itself. I have never changed my opinion that within its category, it will rapidly become a product leader without equal. Combined with the cart designer it will offer an amazing amount of flexibility for rapid site design that simply isn't available from any other software vendor. I should know, as I've tried most of the alternatives.

As I've previously stated I am not an employee of Coffeecup and the only reason I promote the product with such vigour, is purely on its merit.
I have been actively involved with the development of some of the new feature sets that will add real practical working capabilities to the program, rather than the 'half baked' ideas that are often suggested within these forums, so I guess in part that I myself am directly responsible for some of the delay. To me a shopping cart is just a tool, but as most of my income comes from online sales, it is important that the tool is fit for purpose. Although the basic version is a handy little utility, the pro version addresses the need for a program designed as a solution for those needing an enterprise product for serious business use. If at any time I thought it was crud, I would simply not have continued being an active member of the beta test team.

I personally have no issues with being impatient for the release of the pro version, as I've had full access to it for months now. My annoyance is that there are a lot of frustrated folks on these forums who have been incredibly patient and a weekly official update would not go amiss. Being in business myself, I know the importance of good communication and the value of feedback. Within my own enterprises, I am proactive in maintaining good customer relationships and keeping my existing customer base fully informed. It pays real dividends.