In Mobysaurus Thesaurus under find Synonyms it gives the following as suggestions.
soon, after a time, after a while, afterward, afterwards, anon, at bottom, at once, before long, betimes, by and by, by destiny, directly, ere long, eventually, expeditiously, fatally, forthwith, gladly, happily, hastily, hopefully, immediately, imminently, in a jiffy, in a moment, in a second, in a while, in a wink, in aftertime, in due course, in due time, in good time, in short order, in the future, in time, instantly, later, lickety-split, lief, momentarily, on the double, one day, oversoon, posthaste, predictably, premature, presently, previous, probably, promptly, pronto, proximo, quick, quickly, rapidly, readily, right away, seasonably, shortly, sooner or later, speedily, straightway, swiftly, timely, tomorrow, tout de suite, ultimately, untimely, willingly, without delay
I hope Scott doesn't go through many of these though

You could just use the latin word mox.