LOL Chuck, too funny

LOL. Good one.

CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
Come on Chuck, explode already . . . take one for the team!
Terri wrote:
Come on Chuck, explode already . . . take one for the team!
Come on Chuck, explode already . . . take one for the team!
Maybe tomorrow. Too hot tonight and we just got our power back on...
Back to my To do list while waiting for the release of SSC Pro:
I listed a number of earrings on eBay using the free auctions for opening price of 99 cent, losing money as I rather expected. I took advantage of eBay's recent offer for 100 free auction having any opening price. I sold one item out of a hundred, a jewelry set for $48.00. Here not unexpected either as many if not most of the eBay buyers often are a kind of bottom feeders and I was listing at near full retail. BTW, I'm grateful for my one buyer. And still I list on eBay time to time.
As expected, I successfully set up an earthquake database, my interest sparked by the Easter Sunday earthquake that interrupted my Sunday nap in Arizona. Really rather scary to count all the earthquakes on the USGS website.
Added to my To do list while waiting for the release of SSC Pro:
o Now in Michigan and several tornado warnings/watches later I'm thinking of tracking tornadoes.
o Buy It Sell It, now Highwire, promised me that I was grandfather at the old monthly fee of $9.95 for the foreseeable future. So I added more listing after letting the store get rather stale.
o Make more cheap, oops, inexpensive Bling Bling jewelry for selling at our park flea markets
I listed a number of earrings on eBay using the free auctions for opening price of 99 cent, losing money as I rather expected. I took advantage of eBay's recent offer for 100 free auction having any opening price. I sold one item out of a hundred, a jewelry set for $48.00. Here not unexpected either as many if not most of the eBay buyers often are a kind of bottom feeders and I was listing at near full retail. BTW, I'm grateful for my one buyer. And still I list on eBay time to time.
As expected, I successfully set up an earthquake database, my interest sparked by the Easter Sunday earthquake that interrupted my Sunday nap in Arizona. Really rather scary to count all the earthquakes on the USGS website.
Added to my To do list while waiting for the release of SSC Pro:
o Now in Michigan and several tornado warnings/watches later I'm thinking of tracking tornadoes.
o Buy It Sell It, now Highwire, promised me that I was grandfather at the old monthly fee of $9.95 for the foreseeable future. So I added more listing after letting the store get rather stale.
o Make more cheap, oops, inexpensive Bling Bling jewelry for selling at our park flea markets
Last time I checked this forum topic was (according to the column on the righ of this web page )
May 25th, 2010.
I will check back on May 25, 2011.
Patience is a virtue, which I don't have
when you can't do something about something
then do something else
until somebody else does something
about the something you can do nothing about.
(I was hpoing to get the Pro version today).
So off I go to do something else -
read Intro to HTML5 and CSS3
Thanks CoffeeCup!
(If that doesn't keep me busy then more Coffeecup software purchases.
wait, perhaps that's why the delay ... software marketing psychology
May 25th, 2010.
I will check back on May 25, 2011.
Patience is a virtue, which I don't have

when you can't do something about something
then do something else
until somebody else does something
about the something you can do nothing about.
(I was hpoing to get the Pro version today).
So off I go to do something else -
read Intro to HTML5 and CSS3

Thanks CoffeeCup!
(If that doesn't keep me busy then more Coffeecup software purchases.
wait, perhaps that's why the delay ... software marketing psychology

I can spell...just can't type. Really!
I'm not judging because I can't spell or type, and never proof read my posts.

CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
Sally Cooper wrote:
Back to my To do list while waiting for the release of SSC Pro:
I listed a number of earrings on eBay using the free auctions for opening price of 99 cent, losing money as I rather expected. Here not unexpected either as many if not most of the eBay buyers often are a kind of bottom feeders and I was listing at near full retail. BTW, I'm grateful for my one buyer. And still I list on eBay time to time.
Back to my To do list while waiting for the release of SSC Pro:
I listed a number of earrings on eBay using the free auctions for opening price of 99 cent, losing money as I rather expected. Here not unexpected either as many if not most of the eBay buyers often are a kind of bottom feeders and I was listing at near full retail. BTW, I'm grateful for my one buyer. And still I list on eBay time to time.
The reality is that eBay has descended into a scrabbling flea market, where everyone wants something for nothing. Whilst having your own sites will never give you anything like the foot traffic of some of the big auction sites, at least you won't endlessly be giving away your profits to third parties.

The pro version will certainly have much needed features to make life easier for online shop owners, but that in itself will not bring customers rushing to the door. Everyone that is waiting on the pro version needs to think about what they are offering for sale, what makes their enterprise different and why customers should part with their hard earned cash, rather than spending it elsewhere.

A shopping cart is simply a browsing tool. If you currently have poor photographs, vague descriptions, or inappropriate pricing structures, then now is the time to think about all of those aspects. That way when the pro version does eventually arrive, you'll be able to get set up straight away.

In the past I have sold one off items and so need to be able to only sell them once,
Selling live without some sort of count down stock control is too risky,
thats why I need Shopping Cart Creator Pro or some other program that does have live stock control like (Actinic).
My choice, wait for Shopping Cart Creator Pro or splash out and get a shop up and running and start selling again.
Scott when will Shopping Cart Creator Pro be ready??
Soon one days time?
or Soon one weeks time?
or Soon one years time?
or Soon don't know time?
Selling live without some sort of count down stock control is too risky,
thats why I need Shopping Cart Creator Pro or some other program that does have live stock control like (Actinic).
My choice, wait for Shopping Cart Creator Pro or splash out and get a shop up and running and start selling again.
Scott when will Shopping Cart Creator Pro be ready??
Soon one days time?
or Soon one weeks time?
or Soon one years time?
or Soon don't know time?
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