Shopping Cart Creator Pro - Status...

User 2641572 Photo

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Sally Cooper wrote:
Some time ago I had added a site mapper page to my cart.
I am hoping that at some future stage, it may be possible for Cart Creator to have an integrated site map.
User 297115 Photo

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4 posts

Should I just check back every six months to see if Shopping Cart Creator Pro has been released or is that to soon?
User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

Much too soon. :rolleyes:
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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Agreed. :)
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User 389264 Photo

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Scott Swedorski wrote:
Agreed. :)

Now you're just playing with us Scott. Now that I have a search box I'm much happier. BTW, I'm using the footer area, any chance we could have the same control over the Header. I didn't see any way to use HTML in the Header.
User 1977817 Photo

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21 posts

I think the wait for SCC Pro will be worth it it if the present SCC is anything to go by. No other Shopping Cart Creator is as easy to use especially when coupled with SCD pro. I've tried most of them and others make you beat your head on the table out of sheer frustration!

I've just completed a friends craft website with a shopping cart and even though one or two of the pics she supplied could do with better focus the creator made assembly so easy.
Every day above ground is a good day!
User 389264 Photo

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337 posts

WILL_UK wrote:
Sally Cooper wrote:
Some time ago I had added a site mapper page to my cart.
I am hoping that at some future stage, it may be possible for Cart Creator to have an integrated site map.

Will, I was thinking I could copy the site mapper HTML into a page within my hosting where it would not be limited in characters as is the case with SCC. I could embed a link to it either in the SCC footer or in just the home page. Then I could place a return to Home link or some such thing in the mapper. In your opinion, is having a site map in the cart that important? BTW, I did something of this sort with my very out-dated universal-expressions site. There I inserted a page with the site map.
BTW; I Love the footer, it's the gift that keeps giving.
User 2641572 Photo

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1,245 posts

Sally Cooper wrote:
In your opinion, is having a site map in the cart that important?
You have to look at the whole web site thing as the two sided proposition that it is Sally. On one side you have tens of thousands of businesses, with a wide diversity of products on offer. On the other side you have millions of people browsing the net, some of whom are looking to purchase a specific item and many others who come across an item by chance and make an impulse (unplanned) purchase.

The biggest site map in the world is undeniably Google and it is the place where most folks go when they want to seek out an item. When the Google web bots crawl all over a site, they catalogue lots of data, that is eventually deployed to help someone searching for an item via search engines. What a site map does, is to ensure (hopefully) that no pages are missed out when the web bots make a visit. The fact that the very powerful enterprise solution shopping carts out there utilise integrated site maps, shows the value placed on them by large professional trading organisations. Those integrated site maps auto update as new pages are added to a site.

The internet is huge, but also brings immense global competition. Anything that gives you an advantage in that marketplace has to be a plus point. :)
User 456386 Photo

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29 posts

Does anyone know if you can require customers to agree to site terms and conditions prior to checking out in SCC Pro ?
"There are two spiritual dangers in not owning a farm. One is the danger of supposing that breakfast comes from the grocery, and the other that heat comes from the furnace."
— Aldo Leopold (A Sand County Almanac)

User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

That's not possible without modifying the code. You can add a disclaimer on the checkout page.
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!

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