Well, CoffeeCup crew, this new takes my breath away (well darn near does anyway)!
Thank you for the very best of updates!
...a little late but hey...I was patiently waiting, only allowing myself to check here only once a week.
Thank you for the very best of updates!
...a little late but hey...I was patiently waiting, only allowing myself to check here only once a week.
Geez, I haven't even finished building my cart with 3.7 and already I want to buy the Pro Version!
Mark Moore
NC Youth Soccer Deputy Director
NC Youth Soccer Deputy Director
My undergraduate Alma mater, Michigan State University made it to the Final Four today in a real cliff hanger of a game. Pastor had a wonderful message this Palm Sunday morning. Now to really round the day out, a release of Pro would be the icing on the cake!
Sally Cooper wrote:
My undergraduate Alma mater, Michigan State University made it to the Final Four today in a real cliff hanger of a game. Pastor had a wonderful message this Palm Sunday morning. Now to really round the day out, a release of Pro would be the icing on the cake!
My undergraduate Alma mater, Michigan State University made it to the Final Four today in a real cliff hanger of a game. Pastor had a wonderful message this Palm Sunday morning. Now to really round the day out, a release of Pro would be the icing on the cake!
Sorry Sally, but being from Flint, I can only root for U of M

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Good to hear Scott. Being From Grand Rapids, I can't help but root for U of M either. My wife on the other hand is a big Ohio State fan. What the @^%$#.
The philosopher has not done philosophy until he has acted upon the mere conviction of his idea; for proof of the theory is in the act, not the idea.
My Web Development Company: http://www.innovatewebdevelopment.com (Created with Coffee Cup Software).
My Personal Website: http://www.EricSEnglish.com
My Web Development Company: http://www.innovatewebdevelopment.com (Created with Coffee Cup Software).
My Personal Website: http://www.EricSEnglish.com
Eric, Grand Rapids is closer to East Lansing then to Ann Arbor. Well Scott and Eric we're in the Final Four, go MSU! I'm from a little town about 70 miles north of you Eric, Reed City. Also, about 10 years ago I bought into a member-owner RV park in Michigan, Sandy Pines. Summers are OK in Michigan but winters no way. BTW, I want to sell my Sandy Pines place in favor of running around summers in my RV, think it's legal to list my it in my CCSC?
Thanks and Pro please
Thanks and Pro please
Oh my gosh my aunt and uncle and cousins all camped there for years. Their name is Pam and A.J. Knoll.
The philosopher has not done philosophy until he has acted upon the mere conviction of his idea; for proof of the theory is in the act, not the idea.
My Web Development Company: http://www.innovatewebdevelopment.com (Created with Coffee Cup Software).
My Personal Website: http://www.EricSEnglish.com
My Web Development Company: http://www.innovatewebdevelopment.com (Created with Coffee Cup Software).
My Personal Website: http://www.EricSEnglish.com
Eric, Sandy Pines in Hopkins, MI? It's quite a place with three outside pools, an indoor pool, a water park, a man-made lake, a golf course and more. In the fall my son or nephew blow out my water lines, I turn off the electricity and propane and split before the leafs fall from the trees. Everything stays on the site for the winter, a truly unique place. However, with the economy in shambles and gas going up, I think the time has come to sell it. I've enjoyed my summers there but time for new experiences. The only Pam I know is in Phase III, where I live.
I was thinking sandy beach. But the irony is that, all the kids attended hopkins schools.
The philosopher has not done philosophy until he has acted upon the mere conviction of his idea; for proof of the theory is in the act, not the idea.
My Web Development Company: http://www.innovatewebdevelopment.com (Created with Coffee Cup Software).
My Personal Website: http://www.EricSEnglish.com
My Web Development Company: http://www.innovatewebdevelopment.com (Created with Coffee Cup Software).
My Personal Website: http://www.EricSEnglish.com
can't wait guys to try it out thanks for all your hard work standing by for launch
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