6 stars to Edith Bailey for using Shopping Cart Creator and finding out that everyone is ready and willing to help

Any idea on Pro release date yet????
I just purchased the standard version without properly researching the shipping options (shame on me) and I'm kind of on hold until the version that properly addresses shipping is released.
With the development complete and documentation in process (at least that's what I've gathered), it shouldn't be unrealistic for us to get a target date.
I have some resource planning to do and I need to get an idea of when to expect the new version or make a move to a different development suite.
I just purchased the standard version without properly researching the shipping options (shame on me) and I'm kind of on hold until the version that properly addresses shipping is released.
With the development complete and documentation in process (at least that's what I've gathered), it shouldn't be unrealistic for us to get a target date.
I have some resource planning to do and I need to get an idea of when to expect the new version or make a move to a different development suite.
Word has it that SCC Pro actually was hidden inside of the Golden Egg and that someone has to guess J-Corn's astrological sign, his favorite food, and Scott's shoe size - in the right order - on a Tuesday - within 5 seconds of finding the correct hidden Mouseover on this forum before the egg cracks open to launch the product. Either that or it's actually being held hostage by Bill Gates in a closet in Redmond somewhere...
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever" - Gandi
It's probably all done, but someone lost it in cvs.

So all you Beta testers, do any of you have live carts you've created using Pro? I'd sure like to see what one looks like. As for the manual, I only read them if I'm really, really desperate. Also, I'm smart enough to back up files before a major change. Please let it rip!
Sally Cooper wrote:
So all you Beta testers, do any of you have live carts you've created using Pro? I'd sure like to see what one looks like. As for the manual, I only read them if I'm really, really desperate. Also, I'm smart enough to back up files before a major change. Please let it rip!
So all you Beta testers, do any of you have live carts you've created using Pro? I'd sure like to see what one looks like. As for the manual, I only read them if I'm really, really desperate. Also, I'm smart enough to back up files before a major change. Please let it rip!
Nope no live carts on my end anymore, I took most everything down already in prep for the release. Also I don't think that would be a wise thing to do since they haven't released the feature list yet lol, visual would be just the same as textual feature leaks if we were to post links to our test sites, sorry Sally

I would think it shouldn't be too much longer as they've been working on the documentation for a bit now. Let's hope not too much longer anyways

Right now we are in the process of updating all of our themes to be compatible with the Pro version. We have a lot of things that have to be done simultaneously, so we are really checking everything twice

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Well, it's been said before, but I'll say it again...
Better to have a thoroughly-debugged program than one that blows up and shoots you in the foot the first time you try to use it.
That said, with all the precautions you guys say you're taking, you'd better be prepared to get hammered if there are a lot of issues when it finally is released!
Better to have a thoroughly-debugged program than one that blows up and shoots you in the foot the first time you try to use it.
That said, with all the precautions you guys say you're taking, you'd better be prepared to get hammered if there are a lot of issues when it finally is released!
I hear that!

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