We have faith in you!

lol, that is funny.. I got shot in the foot today, big time..
oh yea, I need to upgrade a D6 module due to a security issue that was found.. I'm on it, have to be first..
CRASH -Big time 
4 hours later I found the problem and submitted it to the developer for coding..
all better now..
oh yea, I need to upgrade a D6 module due to a security issue that was found.. I'm on it, have to be first..

4 hours later I found the problem and submitted it to the developer for coding..
all better now..

Sally Cooper wrote:
So all you Beta testers, do any of you have live carts you've created using Pro? I'd sure like to see what one looks like.
So all you Beta testers, do any of you have live carts you've created using Pro? I'd sure like to see what one looks like.
Like all the other beta testers, I've had the pro version to evaluate since December. The first beta was radically altered to make it more suitable for business use, based on direct feedback from members of the beta test group that run online business. Version two of the beta was refined and enhanced even further with the ethos of 'this is such a great product, let's make it even better'.

Without giving precise details ahead of Scott's offical features release, the latest version of the beta, which will be the formal release of the product, has been radically changed, modified and updated throughout the entire beta test period, to give a product that will give shop owners a powerful, yet easy to use ecommerce solution. The shopping cart designer program has also had to have changes made to it, to accommodate some of the new features of the pro cart creator. It's all been a lengthy process, but folks will see where all the development time has gone when the program is released.
As regards live shops, it has been difficult to implement the product, due to the massive changes that have occured between the different beta versions, including the obligatory bug finds and removal. Whilst a program was still in a development stage, using it for a live shop would not have been a wise decision. All I can tell you at this stage, is that from the shop visitors point of view, there are enhancements in both display elements and within the checkout process, that will make shop owners lives far more easier and provide a better shopping experience for your site visitors.
The only thing that's left to do now is to finish off a few loose ends and the program will be ready to hit the streets.

You know this will make the standard version better too.

Thanks for the info Will.
You're welcome Sally 
I know that lots of folks are eagerly awaiting the release of the pro version and hopefully the team will be able to get it out on the streets soon. When coupled with the cart designer program, the product is going to make a significant impact in the ecommerce marketplace.

I know that lots of folks are eagerly awaiting the release of the pro version and hopefully the team will be able to get it out on the streets soon. When coupled with the cart designer program, the product is going to make a significant impact in the ecommerce marketplace.

At least I can keep myself busy. *sigh* (it's like waking up to the morning rush, waiting or my coffee) I need it. Thanks for all you guys and gals are doing. Looking forward to polishing off my business with this product.
oh and I think I just sold someone on your products. Maybee I should become an ambasador again so I can hand out stuff to people. I just love the stuff you all put out.
oh and I think I just sold someone on your products. Maybee I should become an ambasador again so I can hand out stuff to people. I just love the stuff you all put out.

People say there are two roads you can take in life. Heck with that! I'll just let my feet take me where I need to go and follow my spirit! 

::pokes Scott::
::pokes Scott::
No poking allowed in this forum

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*opts for the Cattle "Prod" instead* it's not poking right? LOL
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