Shopping Cart Creator Pro. Tips and...

User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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Got something interesting you can share with others? Post your cool tip, trick or tutorial here for others to learn from.

Please do not ask questions in here, start a new thread. This area is for tips, tricks and tutorials only.

If you are adding a tip, trick or tutorial, please create a bold title at the top of your posting on the subject. So it makes it easier for people to see what things are about.
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User 193638 Photo

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557 posts

Ok, I got one!!!

Someone recently asked if they could delete the "Catagories" page as they felt they did not need it as their catagories and products were listed on the left side of the page.

This trick can be used for any page in SCCP that is part of the original theme; Shop Home, Catagories, etc. Though you would not want to change "View Cart".

You can rename the page to whateve you need, go to the setting in Shop setup/pages and set the Catagories (or which ever page you are changing) to "Don't show anything". This will take all products off your page thus giving you a blank page to use as your own page; About, Contact, etc., thus increasing the amount of pages you can add (5). This works great on the "Shop Home" page and gives you a page that you can use as your "Home" page with no products listed and just the right information you add for a Home page.

Hope that makes since.
User 2032376 Photo

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5 posts

Shop Location (File Structure)

I sell online event registration and other items using a shopping cart for each event, essentially making a mini website for each event. For organization-sake, I wanted to create a folder (with shop) for each event in a folder called Events like this:

* root/htdocs/customer1/shop/events/event1
* root/htdocs/customer1/shop/events/event2

After several nights of error messages about how SCCP could not connect to server and then later that it just couldn't upload, I decided to try shortening the path. I thought maybe there was a file path character limit.

I finally got it to work after I reduced the directories to two levels. It seems that SCCP can only go down two levels because this directory structure allowed my cart to upload:

* root/htdocs/customer1/event1
* root/htdocs/customer1/event2

It makes for a busier main directory (customer) but I guess it'll have to do. If this is not true and I missed some real obvious way to structure multiple shops, please let me know! :P
Killer B Disc Golf - Bringing disc golf to the people!
User 193638 Photo

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557 posts

Discovered something cool.

I originally did my website with a home page done in VSD7 that contained nothing but a Flash intro to my website. Click on the Flash and you enter the main shopping area (SCCP). I also used this home page because I wanted to be able to add a Flavicon that would show up in the URL on the address bar at the top of your browser. I was told this is something you cannot do in SCCP because the code has to go in the header of the home page.

Well, all was good until I discovered that having Flash as your main home page is bad for SEO. So I did away with that home page and went back to having my shopping cart be the entire website; no home page other than the Shop Home of my site. I did not delete the home page made with VSD7. I just renamed it so that it would be ignored and not be the first thing opened up (in case I changed my mind).

Well, guess what? Even though the VSD7 page is no longer my home page, my Flavicon is still there!!
Not sure why. I have since cleared my browser cache several times and this does not "erase" it. So I am assuming that because the home page still exists, that I get a Flavicon. So now you know how to get a Flavicon in SCCP. Check it out, go to my site and let me know if you see a Flavicon in the browser address bar at the top of the screen.
User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

If there is a favicon.ico in your server directory, modern browsers automatically display it. No code required. :)
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
User 193638 Photo

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557 posts

Darn, thought I had a good trick! :/
User 140444 Photo

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99 posts

I did not see this tip posted here, but I found what I was looking for in another part of the forum.

The tip concerns the use of tables in SCC using the HTML option. … post155433

I was having a hard time lining up images and text and the trust old valign="top" function was not working...I literally spent a good deal of time on this and was a little frustrated.

Based on the TIP, if you are using tables and you need to line up IMAGES and TEXT use this:

style="vertical-align:top; ( <td style="vertical-align:top;">

That's my two cent tip...thanks to Chris Parry in the above mentioned link. He has an awesome store as well! ( Not a plug...I just love great design and thought)
User 308084 Photo

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45 posts

How to Show Negative Prices

The way things are set up only allows for money values to be imputed into the Product List no minus signs permitted. BUT the Product Grid will allow negatives AND does apply them to the item. The only complication is that you get a rather messy & confusing set of maths on the cart page BUT the calculation is CORRECT from the customers point of view.

OK so how do you do it? I want to sell prints of photos at 7x5 $15 THIS is my BASE Price then reprints at 50% off or $7.50 plus 10x8 prints at $35 with reprints at 50% off likewise so $17.50.

Set up your basic price name your options & give them a price—any price at this point. THEN

Click on Product Grid open Option 1 & edit the other prices using the base price & the adjustment needed to give the final price you need.

Mine goes like this:
7x5 Print:7x5 Print[15.00]|7x5 Reprint[-7.50]|10x8 Print[20.00]|10x 8 Reprint[2.50]

Messy yes but the only way I could find to give the result I needed.
User 2062767 Photo

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166 posts

I want to say a great big thank you to Eric Rohloff (Rolly). :D

After reading a reply to another forum, I took a look at his website. It is full of tips & tricks, one being the use of .js files for include "document.write(' ');" I wish I had seen it earlier. Until now I thought the only way to use include files was with php. Coffeecup doesn't allow php in the site file of s-drive.

I have spent hours trying to fit a fully styled navbar into the custom content section of shopping cart creator pro - it only allows 3000 characters - sounds a lot but not enough for what I wanted to do. :/. & I couldn't use an iframe cos the drop downs wouldn't go over the parent page.

Requires a lot of copy & paste but solves my problem. :D Thanks again Eric - My Florist Shop. - My Wooden Toy Shop.

I use CoffeeCup HTML Editor, WIS, Direct ftp, Sitemapper, Website Insite & RED Personal to create my websites.

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User 187934 Photo

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20,257 posts

Redirect users from your shop pages to a URL of your choice.
This is handy for custom pages added to your shop like a blog then redirect the user to a blog you already have. Don't forget to put a link back to your shop on the page you redirect to.
This code will force the users browser to refresh and load the entered url. If you want a delay change the content="0; to content="3; or whatever you want for the number of seconds.:)
Change the URL to your liking.
Paste this into your page in SCCP.
[[[<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url=">]]]
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)

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