1. Create a design in SCD pro with a horizontal nav bar including a search box.
2. Export it into SCC pro then start a new shop. (no need to have anything in it you are only doing this to get the code.) Make sure you select the theme that you just created.
3. Open the "Your Shop" icon, select publish as cataloue & check "use html"
4. Export shop for upload.
5. Go to those files & find the css folder. Open all .css files in notepad 1 by 1 then find & replace "scc_" with nothing - by this I mean leave the replace field empty. (No need to do the colorbox.css) This will create a unique set of style sheets to use for the custom header, so the main part of your shop does not get confused. You will also need to rename these so they are slightly different to the main set. I used "menu_styler.css" etc.
6. Upload these to a folder in your "site" folder of s-drive or where ever your shop is. My path is site/header/scc/my_file.css.
7. Now go back to the other html files you created. Pick any page & look at the html code & find the bit for the search box.
8. Copy & paste this bit of code into notepad & repeat the find & replace for this bit of code that you did in step 5.
9. You should now have a some of code that looks like this:
<div id="search_wrapper" class="layout_search_normal">
<div id="search_inner_wrapper">
<div id="search">
<form action=" " method="post">
<input class="search_input" type="text" name="search_words" value="search" onfocus="if(this.value=='search') this.value=''" />
<input class="search_go" type="submit" value="" title="Search" />
<input type="hidden" name="method" value="search" />
<div class="cleardiv">
<span class="sdkworkaround"> </span></div></div></div></div>
10. Open your actual shop in scc (Not the one you just did).
11. Paste this code in the custom header section of SCC replacing the path & file name with your own to link your style sheets.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="site/header/css/menu_default.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="site/header/css/menu_styler.css" />
<!--[if IE 7]><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="site/header/css/menu_default_ie.css" /><![endif]-->
12. Then paste the code from step 9 & enter any page from your shop in the form action. I used category.php so you end up with this line in it. Make sure it has the .php extension not .html.
e.g. <form action="category.php" method="post">
Now upload & your done.

You can see this example on my website.
www.woodentopstoys.co.uk - My Wooden Toy Shop.
I use CoffeeCup HTML Editor, WIS, Direct ftp, Sitemapper, Website Insite & RED Personal to create my websites.
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