Hi Eric,
I put my shopping cart in an iFrame as you indicated, but then PayPal Standard didn't work - even with Firefox. So I messed about and finally found the right place to add a target="blank_" statement and got it to open and process properly through PayPal in another window, but I now have created two other "difficulties"
1. The original window remains open with the items still showing in the shopping cart
2. PayPal does not return to the original iFrame arrangement, but to a separate page for the shop only
So questions:
1. Is there a way to actually incorporate the PayPal process in the iFrame?
2. If 1. is not possible, how can I close the original shopping cart window when the new window opens for the PayPal transaction?
3. How do I redirect PayPal to an iFrame page with the checkoutpps.php info in the iFrame?
4. If 3. is not possible, how can I change the address for the "Done-Return to Shop" link so I can at least send them back to the iFrame home page?
Website address is
Sorry for all the questions and thanks in advance for any help!