Some HORIZONTAL MENU Questions.... -...

User 197777 Photo

Registered User
29 posts

Hi, apply this code to the SCCP in the Custom Markup - Additional <header> Content to add to the Navbar.
I had the 'Contact' addition working fine. But When I tried to add the 2nd nav (markup) which has the submenu item it wouldn't show any of it on the Preview, so something in the code broke the markup.
User 197777 Photo

Registered User
29 posts

To clarify, adding this Custom Markup to the additional Head section in SCCp, this code works fine:

<script src="//"></script><br /><script>$(document).ready(function(){ $("#scs_navmenu").append('<li class="scs_contact_item"><div class="scs_navmenu_item_inner_wrapper"><a href="http://contactpage.php" class="scs_navmenu_currenpage_item"><span class="scs_navmenu_item_icon_wrapper"><span class="scs_navmenu_item_content_wrapper scs_contact_item">Contact</span></span></a></div></li>'); }); </script>
User 197777 Photo

Registered User
29 posts

I'm trying to add this to it to make one more addition to the Navbar (this one has the sub-menu:

<li class="scs_locations_item"><div class="scs_navmenu_item_inner_wrapper"><div class="scs_navmenu_item_with_submenu"><a href=""><span class="scs_navmenu_item_icon_wrapper"><span class="scs_navmenu_item_content_wrapper">
Town Locations
</span></span></div></a><div class="scs_navsubmenu_wrapper"><div class="scs_layout_menu_vertical"><ul class="scs_navsubmenu"><li><div class="scs_navsubmenu_item_inner_wrapper"><a href="" target="blank"><span class="scs_navsubmenu_item_icon_wrapper"><span class="scs_navsubmenu_item_content_wrapper">Towns</span></span></a></div></li></ul>
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,257 posts

Give me a little bit to take a look at it.;)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 197777 Photo

Registered User
29 posts

Thank you for your effort, Eric -- back story: my wife makes and designs jewelry, we have a shopping cart online but she also has a corner in a few gift shops around town so we would also like to give people a heads up where they can buy around the town linking to these stores websites. So the reason I'd like a functioning sub-menu is so I can add as many store website links as we are selling in. I know I could have a separate page listing them but the convenience of a drop down menu would be better, I think.
Btw, I know I could download each page from our site and add the changed Navbar but that could be tedious if I need to do that everytime we update our products. I looked at the ccdata and cannot figure out if there is 'one feature' that can be modified that would tell all of my pages to 'do the modified navbar'. So getting the <head> markup code to work in SCCP seems to be the best way at the moment for me.
Sorry if this is tooooo much information:/
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,257 posts

Have you given any thought to making a separate product category with all the links on it?
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 197777 Photo

Registered User
29 posts

Hi, yes as I said in my last post I was trying to avoid having a "links" page - using the navbar with sub-menu links.
I might end up doing that if I can't get the sub-menu drop-down to work on the menu bar via the SCCP markup.
Any thoughts on a quick way to edit/upload the navbar outside of SCCP? Is there one place in the data settings where I could insert my code and make it populate for every page so I wouldn't need to download every page to insert the navbar modifications...(if I went that route) ~ thanks
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

I believe you could put something in the Footer for this which would be nice. Rather than a set of links though why not a nice strip or 2 of icons or small images that represent (logo types) each of the businesses? That would look nicer than a set of links and would nicely show on every page at the bottom. :)
User 197777 Photo

Registered User
29 posts

Thanks, I'd rather have it at the top also -- in SCCP the extra page feature creates a footer with the menu links I've added at the top. I've decided to go ahead and just make a links page, thanks for the input everyone!
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Just so you're aware that I wasn't talking about the links that are already there on the page. You can edit the footer content to add pretty much whatever you want to such as a Testimonials section or in this case a nice slidebar maybe of all the little logos of the shops that the jewelry is showcased in. Just letting you know that the footer is editable other than the default menu content of it. Good luck whatever you decide to use :)

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