Suggestions for Shopping Cart Creator...

User 117361 Photo

6,076 posts

Mark... if I am understanding right, I think you will find that is perfectly possible as I have done that in my own SCC Pro shop.
User 417330 Photo

Registered User
3 posts

It would be nice to be able to arrange the products alphabetically within each catagory with a click of a button rather than drag and drop.
User 94707 Photo

Registered User
41 posts

First of all, I'm very happy with SCC Pro. I can create online stores very easily.

On suggestion ... For shipping it would be cool to be able to use a weight-based formula. For example UPS shipping rates can usually be calculated as the formula Cost = Ax + B where B is a minimum cost and A is a factor applied to weight represented as "x".

I can implement this today by using the weight-based table structure that exists within SCC Pro. I just have to create a table that accounts for all weights from 1 lb to the maximum weights of my products. However, a formula such as what I've described above would be really neat.
User 94707 Photo

Registered User
41 posts

Here's a suggestion that would enhance the usefulness of the CSV import facility. Since I have a product database I can manage my shop inventory entirely from CSV files. I don't plan to change descriptions, titles or anything other than through the import CSV file process.

The only thing I can't do with CSV files is delete products. I have a workaround whereby I can "unpublish" a discontinued product. It works but it's not ideal.

I'm wondering if it would be possible to include one more column in the CSV file. The column, if used, would contain the word "DELETE". It would be the signal to the CSV import processor to delete that SKU. Otherwise, for other products being updated the field would just be blank.
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Hiya Jerry,

I'm wondering if there's a reason that you are not wanting to do this within the program rather than within a CSV file. Seems it would be a whole lot easier to find the specific product(s) and delete them or mark them unpublished etc. right within the program. It's a simple process and only requires loading up the program. Is there a reason you don't want to load up the program to do this? Might be, so I'm just asking :)
User 94707 Photo

Registered User
41 posts

Jo Ann,

Thanks for taking an interest in my suggestion.

You are absolutely right. I can do this very easily manually.

However, I want to be able to manage multiple websites. I'll do this by managing a separate product database. That product database might contain 1000+ products that I would sell on multiple websites. I would generate the product lists for each website from that database by create .CSV files. That would allow me to automate the whole process. I believe that automating everything leaves less opportunity for manual errors and provides some amount of auditability. And I kinda lazy.

I do the same thing with eBay. I have a store that has about 280 products. I never manually enter a item to eBay. I use the eBay API to manage my inventory. It's less prone to error.

Hope this is helpful.
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

To be fully honest, I don't see that type of functionality ever becoming a part of the software. If we started including things like that, it would open the flood gates for all sorts of requests.
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User 94707 Photo

Registered User
41 posts


Thanks for the insight. I doesn't strike me as an outrageous requirement but I'm not the guy responsible for the development.

Appreciate you considering the request and appreciate the feedback.

User 94707 Photo

Registered User
41 posts


Some further clarification. The requirement I was referring to was just the ability to have a DELETE column in the CSV file allowing a product to be deleted based on input from the CSV file. My other discussion around a centralized product file wasn't a product suggestion. It's just how I plan to populate specific websites.
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Ahh I see what you mean now, and definitely see how that would be helpful with managing multiple shops with the same products. Thanks for the insight as I hadn't even thought of it that way. Good luck on it whatever happens :)

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