Tom wrote:
This S-Drive is going to be popular based on CC clients who want websites and hosting that is simple. I'd like to know the hardware specs, data center specs, and what network carriers that will be used to provide this support.
We will have more info about this at some point. For now, the summary is that S-Drive is running on enterprise class hardware in a Tier 1 datacenter, fully staffed and monitored 24/7. Our datacenter also hosts a significant portion of some of the most popular sites on the web, so we're pretty confident S-Drive is in good hands.
WILL_UK wrote:To say nothing of the essential need to have it manned 24/7 rather than waiting till someone was back in the office on Monday morning.

Yep, the entire system is monitored 24/7 both by people and by automated systems that perform regular health checks on each server and network device in the cluster.
Eric Rohloff wrote:I think one of the CC gurus said that the S-drive is going be able to be on the host of your choice eventually.

Actually, no. We didn't say that. S-Drive will always run solely on our hardware. It's too complicated to support on any other hardware system.