Suggestions for Shopping Cart Creator...

User 25793 Photo

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29 posts

Tom wrote:
A five-star system like Amazon would be nice. :)

Good idea.. possibly a combination of both... a couple of lines of text and an option to give a star rating (not too concerned about an "average rating")
Denial is much more than a river ;)
User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

I like carts where I can see the star average ratings in one place without without looking at all the reviews. This gives me a quick reference of how many people reviewed the product and how they rated it.
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
User 193638 Photo

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557 posts

Three things...............

1. Now that I have been entering scads of products in my cart I have come across a very annoying "glitch".
You are on your product page adding new products, you click on the little brown package with the green "X" on it in the top row of menu icons to add a new product. It inserts a new blank product and immediately the page jumps up to the top of your products page to the first product in your cart. Now you have to manually scroll all the way back down the page (75 products later!!) to get to the bottom of your page to the new product you just added. VERY annoying. This happens when you click on several different buttons, not just the "Add Product" button. And then there are times when it won't do it at all. :/

2. I went to click on the "Preview" button to get a look at what my cart looked like in Explorer before I publish to the server. Well, I clicked on the wrong button, I hit the Publish button by mistake. OK, no problem, just hit the cancel button in the publishing dialog box, right??? Nope!! :o The cancel button does not work. I don't care how many times you click it, and click it, and click it. It won't cancel. Your site gets published whether you want it to or not. So why have a cancel button if it does not work??
Two suggestions, one: fix the cancel button or maybe have a dialog box that pops up and wants you to verify "Are you sure you want to Publish", or two; move the publish button farther away from the Preview button so us farsighted nincompoops don't hit the wrong button again. ;) ;)

And 3rd. In several instances throughout this software you have to fill in a lot of information; shipping info, what with weights, price per ounce and so on; and product information. Basically you are doing a lot of "tabbing" to get to the next box to fill in. My suggestion is that when your cursor is tabbed to the next box, that box should be instantly highlighted so that you can just start typing in the info. As it is now, it just tabs to the next box with your cursor blinking and waiting your you to manually reach over with your mouse and highlight the "0.00" so that you can start filling in the money amount or whatever. Very annoying and time consuming when you have thousands of entries to make.
User 187934 Photo

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20,257 posts

I truley sympathize with you Steve on #1.:P
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2641572 Photo

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Item 2 can be a pain Steven, you are not the only one that has 'caught' the wrong button. :(
User 599595 Photo

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4 posts

Hi all

I think both these suggestions have been mentioned before, but just to add my requests.. For me the 2 most important additions to SCC Pro and Basic are:

1. Pagination to split long product listings over multiple pages. This is especially important in SCC Basic which does not have sub-categories.

2. Incremental uploads. If I make a small change to one page I don't want to have to upload 100s of products that have not changed. I currently work round this by publishing to disc then selectively upload this .php files have updated but this is not a suitable solution for me to offer to clients.

Some more requests to consider:

(a) More payment options for SCC Pro would be nice especially for us European customers. The ones included are very much geared to US customers

(b) Also - I really love the "publish as catalog" option in SCC Pro. It has so many uses. - is there any chance of something similar appearing in SCC Basic? :

(c) I know a customer login area for clients to update their own products on the server is not planned and I understand why. There are many server based shopping carts around and its really good to have a desktop based solution. However it would be great if clients could add/update their products themselves without having to access the full SCC program. Could CC offer a desktop based csv database solution where a customer could simply access just the .csv product file themselves, and view/add/delete products as required then auto-upload the changed .csv file? I would be happy to pay for such a feature if it was offered as a separate extra program.

Thanks! :)

User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Lyn wrote:

2. Incremental uploads. If I make a small change to one page I don't want to have to upload 100s of products that have not changed. I currently work round this by publishing to disc then selectively upload this .php files have updated but this is not a suitable solution for me to offer to clients.

Hiya Lyn,

Actually the way the SCC programs work is they do only upload the changes that you make. The only things it uploads are pages that you have:
1. Edited
2. Added
3. Deleted (needs to delete them on the server when you do your upload)
4. Marked/Unmarked as Published Product/Category

Might be another thing or 2 I'm missing, but hopefully you get the idea. The only reason it takes as long as it does is because it needs to sync with your online pages etc. Yes it takes a little longer than doing it manually, but in the end how much longer? If you're doing it yourself you have to save it, access your FTP program, find the exact files you changed, delete anything you unpublished including all images so the numbering system doesn't get all defunct. etc. etc. In the end it's really not that big of a time saver and you take the possibility of missing something or not removing something that should be.

Also, if you are using the Inventory feature in any way, then you will not be able to do this if you don't upload using the SCC Pro program. Uploading via a 3rd party FTP system totally negates that feature making it impossible for the program to keep your inventory updated.

Hope that helps :)
User 389264 Photo

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337 posts

Anything further on shipping discounts? I ship mostly small cartons so I would like to encourage multi-items sales by offering $3.50 shipping for first item and $1.00 for each additional item.
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

I thought you could already do that Sally? Doesn't the shipping (when not weight based of course) already accomodate a per item system? Pretty sure you can set the rate for the base shipping cost and then a fee for each item added after that.
User 389264 Photo

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337 posts

Hi Jo Ann,
Are you saying that in the Shop Settings, Shipping I can, using the Manual method, set the Minimum Charge to a shipping charge of $2.50 and the Shipping per Product to $1.00 with the result that:
o One item would be $2.50 plus $1.00 = $3.50
o Two items would be $2.50 plus $1.00 plus $1.00 = $4.50
o Three items would be $2.50 plus $1.00 plus $1.00 plus $1.00 = $5.50
and so on.

If this is how the shipping discount works I'll have to edit all my listings. It's too late tonight to wrap my brain around this so I'll give it a try tomorrow. I think I can edit the listing fairly quickly using the grid edit feature. I ship mostly jewelry so $3.50 pretty much covers my cost. I guess for items costing more to ship I would increase the Shipping per Product to a greater amount. If the shipping would cost $10.00 I'd set the minimum to $2.50 and the Shipping per Product to $7.50 or $10.00 total.

One potential problem would be earrings. These I can ship in padded bags with DC for about $1.75. So...can I set the Shipping per Product to -$0.75 or the base $2.50 less $0.75 for a total of $1.75?

Thanks for the help.

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