I'm pretty sure you can setup the shipping as you outline in the beginning. You set the default price to start with, and then there are some drop downs (sorry I haven't opened it in quite a while cuz I'm being lazy and trying to decide to keep the shop or not since it's pretty well defunct lol) and the dropdowns should have a bunch of choices that tell you you can add a set cost per item, or a percentage and a few other different ways you can do it.
You cannot, unfortunately, base the shipping cost on the total of an order or item, I believe it can only go on a per item basis, not by an item's cost so the last question's answer would be no.
Also, you can take items that have special circumstances and give them separate shipping if what I read was correct in a few posts a while back. I "believe" (don't quote me on it since i'm just trying to remember what I read lol) that you can uncheck the default shipping box on the right side in an items detail box and give it it's own shipping cost (still per item not weight or cost) if that helps at all. I would play around with it and see what you can come up with on it.
You cannot, unfortunately, base the shipping cost on the total of an order or item, I believe it can only go on a per item basis, not by an item's cost so the last question's answer would be no.
Also, you can take items that have special circumstances and give them separate shipping if what I read was correct in a few posts a while back. I "believe" (don't quote me on it since i'm just trying to remember what I read lol) that you can uncheck the default shipping box on the right side in an items detail box and give it it's own shipping cost (still per item not weight or cost) if that helps at all. I would play around with it and see what you can come up with on it.
Thanks for the help Jo Ann,
I'm at the Cloud's Jamboree Gemshow until the end of month. Our "hotspot" is pretty cold. I'll hopefully get enough of a connection to at less try to modify the shipping in one of my carts. Next week I'll be home and back to broadband
I'm at the Cloud's Jamboree Gemshow until the end of month. Our "hotspot" is pretty cold. I'll hopefully get enough of a connection to at less try to modify the shipping in one of my carts. Next week I'll be home and back to broadband
Sounds good, let us know how it goes

Looks like it's working, thanks again for the help. I've only updated the magnetic jewelry cart as about the time I get Online another tire kicker/ dog walker comes by who is only looking. If I stay in tonight after the market closes I'll update the Southwestern Jewelry cart.
I'm currently using shopping cart creator pro with the Google checkout payment feature, it works seemlessly may I add. However, I'm looking to setup subscriptions for my products (coffee, that’s how I found you) and Google checkout has this function but I don't think I can set it up using cart creator pro.
Recurring payments would be hugely beneficial feature to me and my businesses and it’s the ONLY reason I have to stay with WorldPay.
I can't emphasize how great Coffee Cup has been to my business; allowed me to create multiple sites without extra cost, create great looking sites with the use of Photoshop images and I finally have a site with Google analytics up and running.
I will post my sites in the other section soon; I think they give a great impression of the capabilities of this product!
There's my suggestion with slight a tangent.
N.B: I should mention the SEO features are second to none. 10/10
I'm currently using shopping cart creator pro with the Google checkout payment feature, it works seemlessly may I add. However, I'm looking to setup subscriptions for my products (coffee, that’s how I found you) and Google checkout has this function but I don't think I can set it up using cart creator pro.
Recurring payments would be hugely beneficial feature to me and my businesses and it’s the ONLY reason I have to stay with WorldPay.

I can't emphasize how great Coffee Cup has been to my business; allowed me to create multiple sites without extra cost, create great looking sites with the use of Photoshop images and I finally have a site with Google analytics up and running.

I will post my sites in the other section soon; I think they give a great impression of the capabilities of this product!
There's my suggestion with slight a tangent.
N.B: I should mention the SEO features are second to none. 10/10
So far I'm loving Shopping Cart Pro and Designer Pro. However I have 2 requests:
1) As others have mentioned I could really use the ability to have items in multiple categories. This would allow me to set up the navigation better for the user and allow them to hunt for an item by type or use. For now I've added duplication of products but that makes inventory tracking almost impossible
2) An ability to add custom icons for example if one of my products is organic it would be nice to click a checkbox and have my organic icon show on the product page and maybe even the thumbnail. I am currently adding the logo via html on the product page but it's time consumming for icons I use frequently. Plus if it was integrated into the program then maybe it could be searchable!!
1) As others have mentioned I could really use the ability to have items in multiple categories. This would allow me to set up the navigation better for the user and allow them to hunt for an item by type or use. For now I've added duplication of products but that makes inventory tracking almost impossible
2) An ability to add custom icons for example if one of my products is organic it would be nice to click a checkbox and have my organic icon show on the product page and maybe even the thumbnail. I am currently adding the logo via html on the product page but it's time consumming for icons I use frequently. Plus if it was integrated into the program then maybe it could be searchable!!

I want to be able to edit the page headers, the default ones are boring to say the least.
I want a better menu format, to be able to show 'categories' (?) as menu items.
I want to be able to name the menu items myself.
I want no default copyright option as if I don't use it and include my own preferred copyright text in the footer I end up with annoying blank space. What's that about then?
I want either an inventory tracking facility that works or none at all.
I want and NEED to be able to have items in multiple categories.
I want more!
I want!
And for doG's sake get rid of the stupid preview banner.
Foot being stamped and bottom lip RIGHT out!
Apart from which, it's pretty good software....
I want a better menu format, to be able to show 'categories' (?) as menu items.
I want to be able to name the menu items myself.
I want no default copyright option as if I don't use it and include my own preferred copyright text in the footer I end up with annoying blank space. What's that about then?
I want either an inventory tracking facility that works or none at all.
I want and NEED to be able to have items in multiple categories.
I want more!
I want!
And for doG's sake get rid of the stupid preview banner.
Foot being stamped and bottom lip RIGHT out!
Apart from which, it's pretty good software....
I am in the process of adding product to my site ~ lots of product, selling vintage jewelry.
A nice feature for better SEO would be the ability to individualize each page header for category and sub category pages. That way I could add maker information specific to each category in the header ~ on the sterling silver jewelry page, for example, and it would always be there.
As of now, it can be included in the write ups, but when the item sells would be deleted because, each & every item is unique. With the info in the header, it could be there always and help me be more competitive with the larger, better financed, super fancy sites.
The program is working well and I really like it.
A nice feature for better SEO would be the ability to individualize each page header for category and sub category pages. That way I could add maker information specific to each category in the header ~ on the sterling silver jewelry page, for example, and it would always be there.
As of now, it can be included in the write ups, but when the item sells would be deleted because, each & every item is unique. With the info in the header, it could be there always and help me be more competitive with the larger, better financed, super fancy sites.
The program is working well and I really like it.
"What good am I as a writer if I can't open my heart and leave my soul on the page?"
http://www.lolcostumejewelry.com is a vintage costume jewelry + sales site
http://www.lolcostumejewelry.com is a vintage costume jewelry + sales site
I use Auction Wizard 2000 auction software. The shipping calculator is flawless and extremely accurate. It allows shipping rates to be calculated per item.
All the item particulars are filled in when the auction is written, then you can forget about it [ there is enough other stuff to worry about ].
AW2000 can be downloaded for a free trial so you can see how it works. The way it works is:
When you write the auction you choose on of these 3:
- No shipping specified
- Flat rate shipping [ which allows you to plug in your flat rate for say 1 pound Priority Mail
- Calculated shipping
If you chose calculated shipping you must fill in :
- Estimated package weight.
- Package type : Package or thick envelope
Large Envelope
Large Package [ If you choose large package you must give approx dimensions ]
- There is a check box for irregular or unusual package.
- There is a check box for Free Shipping.
You chose the number of shipping services to offer domestic and foreign.
Then the type of shipping services from a drop down list.
Fill in Insurance window [ to add it on ]
Fill in any Handling fee [ to add it on ]
Auction Wizard must somehow integrate with eBay or the Shipping Service Tables when the auctions are listed to load this info, because:
When the customer types in their zip code for a shipping estimate [ on eBay ] it pops right up. I think the Shipping Services have freeware to calculate the costs. Or CC software would have to be made to integrate with the Shipper’s Tables.
All the item particulars are filled in when the auction is written, then you can forget about it [ there is enough other stuff to worry about ].
AW2000 can be downloaded for a free trial so you can see how it works. The way it works is:
When you write the auction you choose on of these 3:
- No shipping specified
- Flat rate shipping [ which allows you to plug in your flat rate for say 1 pound Priority Mail
- Calculated shipping
If you chose calculated shipping you must fill in :
- Estimated package weight.
- Package type : Package or thick envelope
Large Envelope
Large Package [ If you choose large package you must give approx dimensions ]
- There is a check box for irregular or unusual package.
- There is a check box for Free Shipping.
You chose the number of shipping services to offer domestic and foreign.
Then the type of shipping services from a drop down list.
Fill in Insurance window [ to add it on ]
Fill in any Handling fee [ to add it on ]
Auction Wizard must somehow integrate with eBay or the Shipping Service Tables when the auctions are listed to load this info, because:
When the customer types in their zip code for a shipping estimate [ on eBay ] it pops right up. I think the Shipping Services have freeware to calculate the costs. Or CC software would have to be made to integrate with the Shipper’s Tables.
"What good am I as a writer if I can't open my heart and leave my soul on the page?"
http://www.lolcostumejewelry.com is a vintage costume jewelry + sales site
http://www.lolcostumejewelry.com is a vintage costume jewelry + sales site
Been playing with the it and I am impressed. Going to purchase.
Now a couple of suggestions.
I ran my 'temp' store past some friends and one thing we all disliked is if you chose the "keep shopping' option when you hit "Buy it now" there is nothing to tell you that the item is in your cart. So the temptation is to do it again and they end up with 2 or 3 of the item in the cart. Some sort of a indicator that the item is in the cart would be very helpful.
If I have it set to 'Show Cart' , which I feel is a must because of the above.... there is no "keep shopping" link. I never noticed that but a friend of mine that is not that computer literate commented on it. She wasn't sure if going back to the product page(s) would remove her items or something like that.
One more thing I would like to see. I use Google Checkout. I have a PayPal Account too. Even though I much prefer Google, I would like to offer my clients the option to pay with PayPal OR Google and not be tied to just one.
Now a couple of suggestions.
I ran my 'temp' store past some friends and one thing we all disliked is if you chose the "keep shopping' option when you hit "Buy it now" there is nothing to tell you that the item is in your cart. So the temptation is to do it again and they end up with 2 or 3 of the item in the cart. Some sort of a indicator that the item is in the cart would be very helpful.
If I have it set to 'Show Cart' , which I feel is a must because of the above.... there is no "keep shopping" link. I never noticed that but a friend of mine that is not that computer literate commented on it. She wasn't sure if going back to the product page(s) would remove her items or something like that.
One more thing I would like to see. I use Google Checkout. I have a PayPal Account too. Even though I much prefer Google, I would like to offer my clients the option to pay with PayPal OR Google and not be tied to just one.
Have something to add? We’d love to hear it!
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