Suggestions for Shopping Cart Creator...

User 512728 Photo

Registered User
32 posts

SCC is a great product for what it is. I say “for what it is” because some people seem to make suggestion that go over and beyond what it’s supposed to be. One thing, for instance, is suggestions that would mean the incorporation of something like a MySQL database. I could only imagine the complications this could bring to those making the software and not to mention the price we would then be expected to pay.

In any case, having used SCC extensively on two recent projects that I have been working on, here are my suggestions (that I believe would not require too much work in order to add them to the program).

I know some of the following can be incorporated in some other way but I’d rather have the option to do it the right way.

FOR UK USERS (and EU): We need to be able to show gross prices not net. On the Cart page, the tax element can then be shown (as a breakdown of the amount to be paid). At the moment I just have to show the whole price and make SCC think that there's no tax being charged. I then add a note to the cart page that says 20% VAT is included in the displayed price. Whilst that is the only thing I can do to resolve's not desirable. I think it’s quite an important amendment to make.

The ability to insert code into the header (Google Analytics, for instance - yes, I know you can add this to the footer but there are other pieces of code I'd like to add in the header too).

An option (tick box) to remove the page titles.

Ability to use discount coupons.

An option (tick box) to remove “Print This Page” from the cart page.

An ability to have navigation menu going across the top AND side (left or right)

This might already be a feature (I’m not sure) but if not, an ability to have the additional pages show up on the navigation menu (not a sub menu).

An option to make the main logo a link back to the homepage.

More than 5 additional pages.

An option to have a gif based logo – SCC only seems to allow jpg logos.
User 132143 Photo

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17 posts

I am wondering if Shopping Cart Pro might be right for a website of mine which runs a heating oil buying group, the service is provided free as it is a community based volunteer lead website here in the UK,

Each quarter members place an order for heating oil and we then shop around the oil distributors with the total amount of oil orders for the best price, and then send them the group members details and oil quantities. The members then pay direct to the oil supplier when they have had a delivery - no need for Pay Pal as such.

We could some time in the future ad an option to make a charity donation as an option.

Interesting project and just wondered if the software could collect the orders and give me a report containing all orders this quarter and the customers details ready to email to oil supplier.

Many thanks for any help - thanks also to Coffeecup for keeping the software ideas and R&D coming!

Mike, East Sussex, UK
User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Hiya Mike,

I don't think you'll find the SCC programs able to really do what you need. Up until the payment setup it would work, but the program isn't setup to be able to just take orders without making payments at all. But... If you were to take a deposit amount from them via the cart program it might work that way. Since they will need to pay something to someone at some point that is about the only thing I can think of that would allow the SCC programs to work for what you need.

If you aren't able or wanting to take money from the customers, then you would probably be better off using the CC Form Builder to gather the information you need to pass on to the suppliers. That would not only work best for what you need, but would take a lot less time to setup and be much simpler (not that SCC programs aren't simple as they really are, just more than you may need for your situation is all).
User 513064 Photo

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65 posts

It would be very useful if Moneybookers can be added to the Payment Options. Very useful indeed.
User 596588 Photo

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42 posts

Here's an easy suggestion. When someone uses the "Search" function, I would like to see the search terms logged in a file. Then I could later look at a list of search terms and see what my customers are looking for. If they are searching for things I don't have, I could try to get them! Possibly they are searching for things I DO have but using different words. I could adjust keywords.

The idea being to match up to customers expectations. Anyone agree?

User 132213 Photo

Registered User
4 posts

Can Shopping Cart Creator and/or Creator (Pro) have a feature for downloadable content in the future??


User 132213 Photo

Registered User
4 posts

Downloadable content as far as items for sale in a store. (Pdf's, Mp3's, Ebooks Etc.)?
User 364143 Photo

5,410 posts

Downloadable products are planned in a future release. Don't ask when, though. :)
CoffeeCup... Yeah, they are the best!
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,258 posts

Go ahead and ask I know you want to. I know I do.:)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 1936325 Photo

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32 posts

Oh Yeh, I want to know all right. I am just about to start installing LinkLok which handles downloadable products. Someone who already uses SCC has apparently done this successfully already, I remember they mentioned it in one of the forums from way back. If that person could come forward with how it is done, that would be much appreciated. CC has had this suggestion mentioned over & over & over. But still no such feature. If they made it as an add on for extra cost, I would be in that, no problem. Not everyone I guess would need this feature, but a lot of us do. I guess you can't expect CC to keep adding cool features without raising the price of the software. But it is time it got implemented, meanwhile someone else got my money for this feature.
I only have one other suggestion I realised that is not present. Well at least not that I am aware. There is no unit for the price. Like ea, pr or set. I have to add a line to a lot of my products that I sell individually to mention that they adjust the QTY field as the items are sold each. Very unprofessional result.

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