One more for the please add pile...
When moving items from one category to another its kind of hard to find the sub-category you want. When the window comes up it looks something like this:
Category 1
sub-category 1
sub-category 2
sub-category 3
sub-category 4
Category 2
sub-category 1
sub-category 2
sub-category 3
sub-category 4
Category 3
sub-category 1
sub-category 2
sub-category 3
sub-category 4
While in other areas of the program, I forget where but do remember seeing it, it looks MUCH better formated like this:
Category 1
--sub-category 1
--sub-category 2
--sub-category 3
--sub-category 4
Category 2
--sub-category 1
--sub-category 2
--sub-category 3
--sub-category 4
Category 3
--sub-category 1
--sub-category 2
--sub-category 3
--sub-category 4
More user friendly this way.
When moving items from one category to another its kind of hard to find the sub-category you want. When the window comes up it looks something like this:
Category 1
sub-category 1
sub-category 2
sub-category 3
sub-category 4
Category 2
sub-category 1
sub-category 2
sub-category 3
sub-category 4
Category 3
sub-category 1
sub-category 2
sub-category 3
sub-category 4
While in other areas of the program, I forget where but do remember seeing it, it looks MUCH better formated like this:
Category 1
--sub-category 1
--sub-category 2
--sub-category 3
--sub-category 4
Category 2
--sub-category 1
--sub-category 2
--sub-category 3
--sub-category 4
Category 3
--sub-category 1
--sub-category 2
--sub-category 3
--sub-category 4
More user friendly this way.
Can Coffecup upgrade its shopping cart software so that is is compatible with QuickBooks SDK 4.1 or higher? Quick Books has its own merchant service that I'd like to use.
Bill Dutcher wrote:
There is a way you can give "free" shipping.
Create an item in your cart called 'Shipping Reversal" or something to that effect. You will have to put in a cost, I used $1.00, then enter in a discount of actual shipping + cost.
I use set shipping charges so I was able to enter mine as Cost $1.00 - discount $9.95 for a final purchase price of -$8.95. SSC Pro will pop up a message warning you that your purchase price is a negative but it will accept it once you acknowlege the warning.
Then you just need to put a message where it is sure to be seen telling your shoppers to use this "BUT ONLY" if they have a purchase total of $XX.XX or above. If used with a total less than the set amount it will result in a refund of their payment and the purchase will be canceled.
If you use different shipping charges you can set up several or set limits such as
If your purchase is at least $XX.XX but less than $YY.YY use 'Shipping Reversal 1'
If your purchase is at least $YY.YY but less than $ZZ.ZZ use 'Shipping Reversal 2'
If your purchase is over $ZZ.ZZ use 'Shipping Reversal 3'
This is a work around way of doing things and hopefully will become obsolete but it gets the job done until that day comes.
Hope this helps.
Mark A Wilkin wrote:
Many online shops offer free shipping after a certain price point and I would like to do the same. I'm hoping to offer free shipping for any orders over $50. Would it be possible to offer formulas for shipping charges in future releases of the program. I am also very interested in downloadable content being added to the shopping cart creator programs in the future but that will be a potential problem with flat rate shipping options when the item is delivered electronically...
Are there any plans to change the shipping options available?
Many online shops offer free shipping after a certain price point and I would like to do the same. I'm hoping to offer free shipping for any orders over $50. Would it be possible to offer formulas for shipping charges in future releases of the program. I am also very interested in downloadable content being added to the shopping cart creator programs in the future but that will be a potential problem with flat rate shipping options when the item is delivered electronically...
Are there any plans to change the shipping options available?
There is a way you can give "free" shipping.
Create an item in your cart called 'Shipping Reversal" or something to that effect. You will have to put in a cost, I used $1.00, then enter in a discount of actual shipping + cost.
I use set shipping charges so I was able to enter mine as Cost $1.00 - discount $9.95 for a final purchase price of -$8.95. SSC Pro will pop up a message warning you that your purchase price is a negative but it will accept it once you acknowlege the warning.
Then you just need to put a message where it is sure to be seen telling your shoppers to use this "BUT ONLY" if they have a purchase total of $XX.XX or above. If used with a total less than the set amount it will result in a refund of their payment and the purchase will be canceled.
If you use different shipping charges you can set up several or set limits such as
If your purchase is at least $XX.XX but less than $YY.YY use 'Shipping Reversal 1'
If your purchase is at least $YY.YY but less than $ZZ.ZZ use 'Shipping Reversal 2'
If your purchase is over $ZZ.ZZ use 'Shipping Reversal 3'
This is a work around way of doing things and hopefully will become obsolete but it gets the job done until that day comes.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for the reply! :-)
I have a suggestion that i know would make things easier for me and maybe other users as well. I would like to have the option of submitting a Data Feed in my Shopping Cart Creator Software with all the products and information including price, Shipping, Description, etc... I think it would make it a lot easier if your shop is going to have a few thousand products like the one I have been working on now. If there is a way and i am just missing it please direct me on how to do it and if there is no way can we please have this feature put in a new upgrade of the software?
I have a suggestion that i know would make things easier for me and maybe other users as well. I would like to have the option of submitting a Data Feed in my Shopping Cart Creator Software with all the products and information including price, Shipping, Description, etc... I think it would make it a lot easier if your shop is going to have a few thousand products like the one I have been working on now. If there is a way and i am just missing it please direct me on how to do it and if there is no way can we please have this feature put in a new upgrade of the software?
First of all CC is great as well as all of your products. You guys have excellent products and very reasonable prices. Here are a few suggestions that have probably been mentioned before but I'm to lazy to go back and check
1. Customer login - so customers can check order status and history. That would also be a way to be able to set price groups for certain people like friends, family, and/or bulk purchasers.
2. More catagory levels. The more levels the more detail.
3. It would be nice to lift the limit on the number of products you can have in your store. I am in the process of creating an online version of my construction products business and noticed after I bought the software that there was a limit. I can't quite remember what the limit was but I got to thinking that when I start adding up all of the different styles and types of carpet, tile, wood flooring, locksets, cabinet knobs, bath hardware, blinds, shades, shutters, light fixtures, plumbing fixtures, cultured stone, etc that there isn't quite enough space.
Anyway, thanks for the consideration and keep up the good work.
1. Customer login - so customers can check order status and history. That would also be a way to be able to set price groups for certain people like friends, family, and/or bulk purchasers.
2. More catagory levels. The more levels the more detail.
3. It would be nice to lift the limit on the number of products you can have in your store. I am in the process of creating an online version of my construction products business and noticed after I bought the software that there was a limit. I can't quite remember what the limit was but I got to thinking that when I start adding up all of the different styles and types of carpet, tile, wood flooring, locksets, cabinet knobs, bath hardware, blinds, shades, shutters, light fixtures, plumbing fixtures, cultured stone, etc that there isn't quite enough space.
Anyway, thanks for the consideration and keep up the good work.
Hiya Cory,
I don't recall what the current limit is anymore either, but don't forget to utilize the Optional Fields for your products that are the same product in different styles/colors/sizes etc. Keep in mind that the Inventory Management part won't work for the products setup this way, but depending on how important that is to you or not will make the difference. Using Optional Fields is a very easy way to allow your customers to make more choices for their products all on the same product instead of having to make a new product for each item. Just some food for thought that might help you add more items to the cart to stay under tha limit
I don't recall what the current limit is anymore either, but don't forget to utilize the Optional Fields for your products that are the same product in different styles/colors/sizes etc. Keep in mind that the Inventory Management part won't work for the products setup this way, but depending on how important that is to you or not will make the difference. Using Optional Fields is a very easy way to allow your customers to make more choices for their products all on the same product instead of having to make a new product for each item. Just some food for thought that might help you add more items to the cart to stay under tha limit

Would like to have a CONTINUE SHOPPING link on the View Cart page if someone hasn't already got a workaround for this yet. Using the browser back button isn't cutting it.
AUTOSAVE DOES NOT WORK(Was enabled to save every 2 minutes but I found this out just now after 2 hours of work - all lost after computer crash! Unless it is a different file, in which case when I reopened my store, it autosaved the store and rewrote the autosave file with the unsaved store - It should have numbered backups in that case - crazy!)
No Fonts
No Centering of Text (to center text you can only add dashes and then cover them up with the color of your theme's background because the text input doesn't accept spaces!)
No Drag & Drop of Images - you have to search for it each and every time
No multi-select of images to import and automatically create a new product for each image
No Editing of Themes
No Keyboard Paste Function
No Line Breaks except by inserting HTML
Name of Shop Doesn't Show Up On Banner
Can't Center Shop Logo
Caan't add images to theme except by adding them as external links
Can't switch theme graphics with your own
Url Remove doesn't work - have to delete the link and start over
Very limited documentation of features and how to use them
No Work Folder Preference
Themes are limited, no blank theme to use to circumvent theme graphic limitation - you are stuck with the built in theme graphics
Must purchase expensive add-on cart designer in order to edit themes. Add-on is also very quirky and difficult to use
Can purchase individual themes but they are VERY expensive and again, you are stuck with graphical limitations of the theme you purchased unless you purchase the cart designer
Over all, the program is difficult to use and has many flaws and bugs that necessitate numerous workarounds and unnecessary redundant work. I was hoping for an easy way to create a shopping cart and this could be very easy if these things were fixed - and soon.
No Fonts
No Centering of Text (to center text you can only add dashes and then cover them up with the color of your theme's background because the text input doesn't accept spaces!)
No Drag & Drop of Images - you have to search for it each and every time
No multi-select of images to import and automatically create a new product for each image
No Editing of Themes
No Keyboard Paste Function
No Line Breaks except by inserting HTML
Name of Shop Doesn't Show Up On Banner
Can't Center Shop Logo
Caan't add images to theme except by adding them as external links
Can't switch theme graphics with your own
Url Remove doesn't work - have to delete the link and start over
Very limited documentation of features and how to use them
No Work Folder Preference
Themes are limited, no blank theme to use to circumvent theme graphic limitation - you are stuck with the built in theme graphics
Must purchase expensive add-on cart designer in order to edit themes. Add-on is also very quirky and difficult to use
Can purchase individual themes but they are VERY expensive and again, you are stuck with graphical limitations of the theme you purchased unless you purchase the cart designer
Over all, the program is difficult to use and has many flaws and bugs that necessitate numerous workarounds and unnecessary redundant work. I was hoping for an easy way to create a shopping cart and this could be very easy if these things were fixed - and soon.
XYGEN wrote:
Would like to have a CONTINUE SHOPPING link on the View Cart page if someone hasn't already got a workaround for this yet. Using the browser back button isn't cutting it.
Would like to have a CONTINUE SHOPPING link on the View Cart page if someone hasn't already got a workaround for this yet. Using the browser back button isn't cutting it.
You could include a link/button in the text above the cart - something like "Continue Shopping" and redirect them back to a page. Otherwise my nav bar menu is on the top, so they can easily just go back to the shop from the cart page.

I'll address some of these.
No Fonts - you can use html to change fonts - I do
No Centering of Text (to center text you can only add dashes and then cover them up with the color of your theme's background because the text input doesn't accept spaces!) - Agree
No Drag & Drop of Images - you have to search for it each and every time - Don't find that an issue as I have all my images in one folder, named accordingly, but yes would be handy
Can't Center Shop Logo - Mine in centered, but by designer
Caan't add images to theme except by adding them as external links - Agree, an add image would be nice, although do you mean to the theme or to the pages in the cart software? Themes you can add images, the cart pages you can't.
Url Remove doesn't work - have to delete the link and start over - works for me
Themes are limited, no blank theme to use to circumvent theme graphic limitation - you are stuck with the built in theme graphics There is a blank theme to build yourself as you want.
Must purchase expensive add-on cart designer in order to edit themes. Add-on is also very quirky and difficult to use - Agree & disagree. Sometimes it can feel limited, but once you work it out, it's good.
Can purchase individual themes but they are VERY expensive and again, you are stuck with graphical limitations of the theme you purchased unless you purchase the cart designer - Don't consider $9 expensive at all!~
Over all, the program is difficult to use and has many flaws and bugs that necessitate numerous workarounds and unnecessary redundant work. I was hoping for an easy way to create a shopping cart and this could be very easy if these things were fixed - and soon. Wouldn't call them flaws & bugs, more like additions for the future. And I think it's easy.
No Fonts - you can use html to change fonts - I do
No Centering of Text (to center text you can only add dashes and then cover them up with the color of your theme's background because the text input doesn't accept spaces!) - Agree
No Drag & Drop of Images - you have to search for it each and every time - Don't find that an issue as I have all my images in one folder, named accordingly, but yes would be handy
Can't Center Shop Logo - Mine in centered, but by designer
Caan't add images to theme except by adding them as external links - Agree, an add image would be nice, although do you mean to the theme or to the pages in the cart software? Themes you can add images, the cart pages you can't.
Url Remove doesn't work - have to delete the link and start over - works for me
Themes are limited, no blank theme to use to circumvent theme graphic limitation - you are stuck with the built in theme graphics There is a blank theme to build yourself as you want.
Must purchase expensive add-on cart designer in order to edit themes. Add-on is also very quirky and difficult to use - Agree & disagree. Sometimes it can feel limited, but once you work it out, it's good.
Can purchase individual themes but they are VERY expensive and again, you are stuck with graphical limitations of the theme you purchased unless you purchase the cart designer - Don't consider $9 expensive at all!~

Over all, the program is difficult to use and has many flaws and bugs that necessitate numerous workarounds and unnecessary redundant work. I was hoping for an easy way to create a shopping cart and this could be very easy if these things were fixed - and soon. Wouldn't call them flaws & bugs, more like additions for the future. And I think it's easy.

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