I have been trying to do this but it needs to be done correctly, preferably with these two lines of php code. This way the actual url of the previous page is known and that is the page you go back to instead of the last refresh of whatever page you are on. This way if you are in the view cart and you change or delete a product then update you will still be taken back to the referring page.
<?php $referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
if (!$referer == '') {
echo '<a href="' . $referer . '" title="Continue Shopping">« Continue Shopping</a>';
} else {
echo '<a href="nojavascript...history.go(-1)" title="Continue Shopping">« Continue Shopping</a>';
The software is not interpreting this code correctly when I add it to the spotlight are of the viewcart page. So now I have to figure a way to add these lines of code and get it to work.
I have been trying to do this but it needs to be done correctly, preferably with these two lines of php code. This way the actual url of the previous page is known and that is the page you go back to instead of the last refresh of whatever page you are on. This way if you are in the view cart and you change or delete a product then update you will still be taken back to the referring page.
<?php $referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
if (!$referer == '') {
echo '<a href="' . $referer . '" title="Continue Shopping">« Continue Shopping</a>';
} else {
echo '<a href="nojavascript...history.go(-1)" title="Continue Shopping">« Continue Shopping</a>';
The software is not interpreting this code correctly when I add it to the spotlight are of the viewcart page. So now I have to figure a way to add these lines of code and get it to work.
No Centering of Text (to center text you can only add dashes and then cover them up with the color of your theme's background because the text input doesn't accept spaces!) -
This can be done using code via the HTML Tool. Do a search on the forum here and I'm sure you'll find quite a few references to how to do this.
No Drag & Drop of Images - you have to search for it each and every time -
Images are definitely drag and dropable, I guess maybe you are meaning in a specific way but you can drag and drop images for all your product slots from any folder you have them in on your computer and it will automatically save it to your main folders for your shop. It should anyways, it did for me a while back.
Can't Center Shop Logo
Designer is where you do all Logo and anything to do with the actual Theme of your shop, so yep designer would be where it's done.
Caan't add images to theme except by adding them as external links
I also would need a bit more clarification here on what images you're trying to add. There are all kinds of ways to add images without them being external links so let us know exactly what part of the site you're trying to add them to. You can add images to pretty much any place you want in the software, be it the actual pages themselves, products, product description areas etc. so just let us know where it is you're wanting them.
Themes are limited, no blank theme to use to circumvent theme graphic limitation - you are stuck with the built in theme graphics You're only limited to your pocketbook also really. There are a lot of themes available in the CC theme store.
Can purchase individual themes but they are VERY expensive and again, you are stuck with graphical limitations of the theme you purchased unless you purchase the cart designer - Don't consider $9 expensive at all!~

Nor do I. Watch for sales too, CC runs a lot of software and theme sales periodically so keep your eyes open on here and on their blog sites:
Over all, the program is difficult to use and has many flaws and bugs that necessitate numerous workarounds and unnecessary redundant work. I was hoping for an easy way to create a shopping cart and this could be very easy if these things were fixed - and soon.
I don't find it difficult either, nor do hundreds of others using the software. I don't think that what you mention above is flaws at all, more like you just need to be steered in the right direction on how to use it better and get more practice.
Truly go try any of the major brand carts out there and then tell me this is hard. I gave up on them in less than an hour because they are so difficult and limited on themes. You think this is limited on themes? At least you can integrate it into a site without too much difficulty. Go try doing that to Zen cart or OpenCart or any of those out there and good luck on it lol. Not an easy task at all if you can manage it even.
I would truly suggest you work with it a while, make sure you have the Pro versions so you have all the abilities available for Themes and Settings. Ask questions rather than criticize first. In most cases you'll most likely find either that it works and you just didn't know how to do it correctly, or someone has a whole lot easier work around than you're doing. It's all good and I'm sure if you work with it a bit you'll see that too. It has a ton of features that even after working it for over a year I'm still learning about, you just started, give it a bit of time for learning it all and I'm betting you'll see how powerful it really is.
Disclaimer: Not saying it doesn't have it's difficulties or flaws mind you, it definitely does. The nice thing is that we have a voice here, and althought it's taking a bit of time to get the updates we're waiting on, they are coming so hang in there

Has anyone asked for a list by option, ie cheapest first, dearest last
Started using CC VSD in January 2009, I don't do HTML code, Sales from CC site exceeding expectations taken me out of semi-retirement
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011
My friendly window cleaner
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011
My friendly window cleaner
Love the upgrade to this program, been using the old one for a couple of projects. I use a lot of your software even though I know how to code and do HTML5 & CSS for my websites. However, I see that my question has been answered here as I do need text input for a personalization name line for a friend who does custom embroidery work. The only work around I see at this time is to put personalization as an option and get hold of the customer after the sale for the name needed for the order. I sure hope this feature is near the top of the list of any updates.Cj
Could we have multiple monetary denominations displayed
ie my websites are in £ sterling, a conversion underneath for appx US & AU $ would be helpful
ie my websites are in £ sterling, a conversion underneath for appx US & AU $ would be helpful
Started using CC VSD in January 2009, I don't do HTML code, Sales from CC site exceeding expectations taken me out of semi-retirement
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011
My friendly window cleaner
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011
My friendly window cleaner
This has probably been suggested before but I would love to see a second Categories pages added. For myself, I sell two types of collectibles ~ jewelry and other vintage collectibles ~ and it would be nice to have a page for each type just to seperate them a bit.
There is a very minor issue when you have a lot of categories and can't quite reach them or the sub categories with the mouse [ without repositioning ]. If the menu scrolled it would be the cat's pajamas, but that is being picky I know.
I love CC and I love S Drive. It has made it so easy for me to attempt a web site !~ when I know that otherwise I would be lost! Your support is the best!
There is a very minor issue when you have a lot of categories and can't quite reach them or the sub categories with the mouse [ without repositioning ]. If the menu scrolled it would be the cat's pajamas, but that is being picky I know.
I love CC and I love S Drive. It has made it so easy for me to attempt a web site !~ when I know that otherwise I would be lost! Your support is the best!
"What good am I as a writer if I can't open my heart and leave my soul on the page?" is a vintage costume jewelry + sales site is a vintage costume jewelry + sales site
Hi, im new here..i just found out that my shopping cart creator has no function to my shop to add same product... how can my customers can buy 2 or more similar products on my shop? My shop has no function to add qty for similar products.
how can i solve this? please lend me a hand for this.. tnx
how can i solve this? please lend me a hand for this.. tnx
Transfer It - If you are using PRO (which I'm guessing you are since you posted in the PRO thread). Go to product details tab, then on the right side of your screen, select the "More Options" tab. Near the bottom you will see three choices for qty control, "Use Default", "Use Range" and "Let Buyer Choose" - For the first 2 options you can input values.
Living the dream, stocking the cream

Any way to sync inventory between ebay and SCC Pro?
Hiya Art,
The software is for putting a shop on your own website, not a shop on Ebay lol. You'll have to get with Ebay to get info from their shops, that's a separate entity and truly I can't imagine why CC would include that into their software. So that answer would be no, sorry.
The software is for putting a shop on your own website, not a shop on Ebay lol. You'll have to get with Ebay to get info from their shops, that's a separate entity and truly I can't imagine why CC would include that into their software. So that answer would be no, sorry.
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