Suggestions for Shopping Cart Creator...

User 539803 Photo

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2,156 posts

No need, if your ebay name is the same as your shop url, most customers work it out for themselves.

I just have a .com version of my ebay name, amazing the number of customers who go from ebay, to my website and buy at 20% discount.
Started using CC VSD in January 2009, I don't do HTML code, Sales from CC site exceeding expectations taken me out of semi-retirement
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011
My friendly window cleaner

User 426960 Photo

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1 post

I need to be able to use a coupon code or promo code. I want the retail price to show, but the wholesalers to be able to enter a discount code to change their price. Is that doable in PayPal since it isn't in the shop?
User 2140665 Photo

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58 posts

Diane Dunn wrote:
I need to be able to use a coupon code or promo code. I want the retail price to show, but the wholesalers to be able to enter a discount code to change their price. Is that doable in PayPal since it isn't in the shop?

I know discounts can be made in Google Checkouts, where you can enter a coupon code, but can't wait for this all to be implemented in to SCCPro.
User 539803 Photo

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2,156 posts

Excuse link please but its necessary :: in my sub category below I only have one product, it would be nice if SCCP forced the LONG description to the right of the thumbnail and short description so customers need NOT have to click on the picture to see the details. … groupid=67

I think this would be useful especially when doing promotions, and also for users who only sell one main product but want to have each version in its own sub category. (like the guy selling electric cigarettes in CC forum & possibly Paintbrush with her clients baby product shop)
Started using CC VSD in January 2009, I don't do HTML code, Sales from CC site exceeding expectations taken me out of semi-retirement
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011
My friendly window cleaner

User 2140665 Photo

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58 posts

Most of these will have already been requested, but these are a few of my favourite suggestions for implementation into Cart creator pro

1) Coupon Codes
2) Ability for the customer to select how many items per page
3) Ability for the customer to see items that are in stock only
4) Ability for the customer to view item prices in their own currencies.
5) More delivery options and ability to do discounts on multiple purchases.
6) Digital Downloads (although not required for me yet, will be using this in the near future).

I am sure I will think of more after this has been sent, but what do you guys think about these suggestions?
User 2162022 Photo

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Clean URLs for SEO ?
User 2290811 Photo

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6 posts

I find it annoying, & figured my customers might also.

When in my catalog, clicking on an item that is 8 rows down to add to the shopping cart, the page refreshes back to the top of the page (row 1), & you have to scroll all the way back down to where you were.
It would be nice if it refreshed back to where you were previously viewing, or giving us the option.

PS, If there is a way to fix this already, please let me know. :)
User 2341936 Photo

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2 posts

my suggestion if no one has said anything is to have a accurate shipping cost the customer inputs there zip and CC takes are weight and there zip and gives customer feed back on how much there shipping would cost. something like what in the red box of the attachment. or the whole attachment
User 345685 Photo

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18 posts

Is there any chance to add deadline-date for discounts?
User 348914 Photo

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3 posts

The shipping (yes) this is a pain, how about incorporating a method of importig an excel, ascii type file into the shipping module of SCCpro...This would allow for a more dynamic method of creating and/or updating "shipping" into the shopping cart. With FX you can download a excel file that could be imoprted into this area...Just a Thought - What you think?

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