Suggestions for Shopping Cart Creator...

User 2073552 Photo

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1,625 posts

Seckin Ozyolcular wrote:
Is there any chance to add deadline-date for discounts?

They are working on it... But I do not believe they will set a deadline... It will be added .
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User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

There is a type of grid already added that you can export and import into the program. You can export it as a CSV file and that can be opened in Excel and edited and imported back in. I'm not sure if you can create "new" products that way, but you can edit current products that way.

The grid inside the program can also be edited in an cell type fashion as you can highlight an entire column, row or just a section and do mass replacements which gives you the ability to add or remove discounts quite easily too.

Hope that helps.
User 1932012 Photo

18 posts

Be good to see a more robust import of CSV or import from another cart.
I have just had to recreate a whole shop from scratch that was initially done in OSCommerce.
Also the facility for clients to login and update prices and descriptions themselves would be great

User 1905896 Photo

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16 posts

Ok how about shopping cart that would allow once item or items are paid for the buyer can download files in the event the items being sold are files of something?
User 1870919 Photo

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61 posts

Please, please, please! Add a sub sub category. So far, we can only go two deep: Category and sub category. This is very limiting. I have a customer right now with over 600 products and many of the categories have sub sub categories. I am trying to come up with a way to make it work for him and still look good.

Another issue is that the menus don't accommodate long category names and sub-category names, so the names get all bunched up and are hard to read.

I want this shop to look professional, but I am having a hard time.

Lastly, but not leastly, coupon code field in the checkout area that will take a percentage off the total when the code is typed in.

Thanks Coffee Cup!
User 2641572 Photo

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1,245 posts

There are a lot of new features currently under development for Shopping Cart Creator, but as with all software development it all takes time.

Whilst the bods at Coffeecup are often thought of as 'dragging their feet' with development of new features often seeming to be painfully slow, the reality is that an enhanced cart program will ultimately lead to significantly more sales for Coffeecup, so there is definitely an ongoing development process underway. A cart with more features means more customers, period.

Unlike other products, shopping carts deal with monetary transactions in real time, so it is essential that all the coding is well thought out, robust, secure and does all that is expected of it with (hopefully) one hunded percent reliabilty. The last thing anyone wants is a cart that falls over and costs them sales. :rolleyes:
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Ok although I've seen both of these features requested before quite often, I will add my voice as I have a client that really is taxing my brain and condensing their menu to fit the single sub category setup of SCCP.


1. Multiple sub categories please, more than just one more, at least 2 maybe even 3 if that's possible would be ideal.

2. The ability to add products to multiple categories without losing the inventory setup. Basically adding 1 product and having that one product shown in multiple categories. I'm betting this could be setup similar to how you have the Featured items setup right now. Click the Star and it shows up on the home page as featured. Instead have a dropdown that shows all the current catgories/sub categories with checkboxes to choose what other ones to have it shown in? Something like that would be great or however you can get it in there would be great.

Those are the 2 main things that the shop I'm working on is in dire need of. I'll be working around as best I can, but really hope these things get added soon :)
User 389264 Photo

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337 posts

Yes and again yes greater depth sub-categories please!
User 100545 Photo

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33 posts

Not sure if this has already been suggested but... how about a facility for adding an UPC/EAN number that can be found on-line (linked to the meta tags would be good)
If you sell with Amazon linking to your site, they do ask the question about having items with bar codes!

User 38401 Photo

Senior Advisor
10,951 posts

Ok I know this is going to sound a bit off the wall but bare with me. At least 4 times this week I've had to open the SCDP program to get the specs of certain things of a shop I'm working on (mostly because I have been working on a side shop too of my own for practice, but I'm sure this would come into play if you were working on multiple client shops). For the most part it's images, I forget what the sizing is set at and have to open SCDP to get the sizes. So maybe this is something that's possible:

When you have a theme connected with your shop (you've chosen one from the default list or you've exported one that you've edited in SCDP) how about we have the ability to get the size when we mouse over he image areas? In other words, when I mouse over the large picture of the Product Details I get a tooltip with the measurement settings for that box, same for the small images below it. I don't think it would matter anywhere else since these are really the only images you work with for the products themselves. It would read this, obviously, from the theme that's associated at the moment so you'd have the current settings at all times.

Would be a very nice little handy feature that would save my sanity for having to reopen SCDP because I can't remember the settings for it when I have multiple things going on :)

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