I have 2 things I'd like to see in this program to make it easier for category and subcategory adding:
1. I would love to see a way to collapse Main Categories completely. Why you ask?
Well I'm working on a shop for someone that has over 100 sub categories for books and I've broken them up by Alphabet such as (A-F), (G-K) and so on, and each of those Main categories has at least 15 subcategories in it..... And guess what? I was given some more subcategories to add, and trust me what a pain it is to scroll up and down and up and down all these Categories to find the correct places to go.
This is also causing visual anomalies (overlapping of categories and subcategories on top of eachother) that can be corrected by swapping tabs back and forth, but then you lose your spot again! Too many categories/subs maybe are just too much for the program, but I recall this issue being there a couple years ago when I used it for myself. I was on a pretty ratty computer and we assumed it was my computer doing it. It apparently wasn't as I'm having this issue again.
2. Would be really great if we could specify where a subcategory or category goes rather than having it default at the bottom. Basically the idea would be that you highlight a category or subcategory (select it) and when you add a new category or subcategory it goes either above or below the one you have selected. Would be a whole lot easier for managing long lists of them that sometimes have to be manipulated when you have to add new ones and reposition them from the bottom to the top.