Theme Help - Page 1 - Post ID 139686

User 515168 Photo

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20 posts

Wow. I don't know where to begin!

When I first installed SCC Pro, it told me my "theme" was altered by another program and needed to be deleted or reloaded. I didn't panic as I could just use another theme or make one.

Uh . . . no.

No matter what theme I pick, it looks like this: .

So I went to the THEME tab, clicked on "Touchdown" and "edit". It states "This theme appears to be corrupt. Oh No! It appears this theme has been modified by another program and cannot be used. We suggest you delete this theme from your system and re-download or recreate it."

So I opened SCD Pro and opened the theme and it did open properly. I imported my logo, and uploaded the theme to SCC Pro. Or so I thought. It doesn't show in the THEME list when I refresh.

So I tried to "Save As" the theme. It goes through the motion (showing me a status bar, etc.) but the theme does not show up. So I tried to "Save As" into another folder in "My Documents" (and then move the theme to the proper folder) and it doesn't show up there either.

I'm at a loss as to what to do next. Any suggestions?


Mark Moore
NC Youth Soccer Deputy Director
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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You are all over the place here Mark. ;) Actually each of those dialogs are probably correct, you just need to understand what it is they are saying.

Also, you must be on SCC 3.8 and SCD 3.8 latest versions. Make sure you do not have any 3.7 versions of anything installed.

What is going on here is the "My Themes" list automatically selects the first theme and if it was designed for SCC Basic, you get that alert. We are going to switch this so that the alert will only appear when you select a theme and click OK. What you can do now is either remove that basic theme or in SCD make sure to save and overwrite the older theme.

We will have this corrected in one of the next updates.

Now if you want to just wipe all the themes out and start over, delete the entire themes folder from Documents\CoffeeCup Software\Shopping Cart\Themes and then re-install SCC and SCD.
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User 515168 Photo

Registered User
20 posts

Hey Scott - thanks for the explanation. I do have 3.8 on both versions of the software.

Having the SCC Basic themes answers that question. Thanks.

However, I can't seem to save or overwrite the theme. If you remember (I doubt you will since you get thousands of forum issues!), when I purchased SCC Basic a few months ago, I couldn't upload themes then either because I'm working in a server environment and the software would not recognize the "redirected/server" path.

So I moved those themes to My Documents, made the corrections and copied them back to the folder on the server. It worked fine. When I first opened SCD Pro, it gave me the same message of not recognizing the sever path.

I'm wondering if the SCC Pro software now won't let me do that.

I'll fiddle around with it and see what I can do. I don't like to admit defeat too easily to a computer!!


Mark Moore
NC Youth Soccer Deputy Director
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
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That could be the case. If you move things around to different paths, it could cause many unforeseen issues.
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User 515168 Photo

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20 posts

Okay, I've uninstalled 3.7 and reinstalled 3.8 Pro SCC and SCD again.

When I open a theme through SCCP to edit, it won't allow me (as you described earlier). However, I can edit that theme by using FILE>OPEN with SCDP.

My problem is that I can't save it anywhere. If I try to save it back into the Program, it tells me I don't have administrative rights to save into that folder (though I and our IT guy know I have admin rights to every computer and server in the office). It gives me a default to save into My Documents folder and allows that, but only saves as a short cut, not the entire template.

Question 1 - Is the THEMES folder protected by Coffee Cup in some way; and
Question 2 - Why can't I save the entire theme elsewhere on my computer?

If I can't get this fixed, I'll (unfortunately) have to find another solution for cart use. I don't want to, because I love this cart! Suggestions are most welcome!

Thanks again.

Mark Moore
NC Youth Soccer Deputy Director
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

I am sure that is all related to the way you have custom installed everything. You will just have to do things a bit more manually since things are not installed into their default locations. Anytime you make a change to a theme, just save it to a place you can write to (maybe your desktop) and then manually copy the theme to the location where you themes are physically stored on your computer.

When you want to edit a theme, you may have to follow the same steps but in reverse. Our software really wasn't designed to have things virtually moved and mapped in different locations. Doing that will just make you have to do a few more manual steps.
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User 515168 Photo

Registered User
20 posts

Hey - I understand. That's why I reinstalled the software so I could get the folders back in their default locations. However when I save an edited theme, it only saves a "short cut" for some reason and not the entire template (9k vs 350k in size).

Do you see any reason why that would happen?


Mark Moore
NC Youth Soccer Deputy Director
User 103173 Photo

VP of Software Development
0 posts

Are you sure the normal Windows My Documents folder is not virtually mapped someplace else? From what I am reading, it sounds like you have still some custom things going on.

If you say yes, then I would suggest uninstalling everything and delete all the themes folders and then re-install the software and it should work.

Just make sure that none of your documents folders are a virtual map to another location. It will not work that way.
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User 515168 Photo

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20 posts

The really bad news is when I upload my shop, I get an immediate error telling me that the folders from Inventory and the upload "don't match" and should be the same. If the upload is "public_html/shop" then the inventory folder should be: (which is my correct folder).

When I upload anyway, I see that it is going through the upload, but also deleting all types of files in the process - all of the images, including the masthead. I end up with this:

This is a straight template from SCCP, no revisions, no moved folders, or anything. I can try it without inventory control, but that is why I wanted the program!

I'm getting frustrated. I've been trying to fix this since yesterday. I can't upload. I can't edit a theme. Any suggestions?


Mark Moore
NC Youth Soccer Deputy Director
User 515168 Photo

Registered User
20 posts

Okay, I'll see where "My Documents" is actually stored - either my computer or the server.

Thanks. (waiting patiently for 60 seconds!)

Mark Moore
NC Youth Soccer Deputy Director

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