When I first installed SCC Pro, it told me my "theme" was altered by another program and needed to be deleted or reloaded. I didn't panic as I could just use another theme or make one.
Uh . . . no.
No matter what theme I pick, it looks like this: http://www.ncsoccer.org/shop/ .
So I went to the THEME tab, clicked on "Touchdown" and "edit". It states "This theme appears to be corrupt. Oh No! It appears this theme has been modified by another program and cannot be used. We suggest you delete this theme from your system and re-download or recreate it."
So I opened SCD Pro and opened the theme and it did open properly. I imported my logo, and uploaded the theme to SCC Pro. Or so I thought. It doesn't show in the THEME list when I refresh.
So I tried to "Save As" the theme. It goes through the motion (showing me a status bar, etc.) but the theme does not show up. So I tried to "Save As" into another folder in "My Documents" (and then move the theme to the proper folder) and it doesn't show up there either.
I'm at a loss as to what to do next. Any suggestions?
NC Youth Soccer Deputy Director