Unable to get shop uploaded- Help...

User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,257 posts

Did you try this in SCCP?
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 612667 Photo

Registered User
252 posts

Yes, that is what I originally had and it just gives me errors.
Carlos Regueira - https://minerva-gallery.com

User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

Have you tried to disable your SSL then upload? Did you have problems uploading before you activated the SSL?
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!
User 612667 Photo

Registered User
252 posts

I have always had the SSL and as far asI know you cannot disable it. They would have to remove it completely. They are the ones who installed it for me. When I used to have 3ix I always uploaded with the SSL and also using public_html/shop FTP, port 21. These were the same settings I used also in HostGator and it always worked fine with the SSL and also these settings. One day I uploaded and it just started giving errors. It never worked again.
Carlos Regueira - https://minerva-gallery.com

User 612667 Photo

Registered User
252 posts

Coffeecup suggested a while ago it may have something to do with permissions on my computer. This computer is new so that should no longer be the problem if it was the problem I would think. They also told me to run as administrator and have compatibility checked for windows XP service pack 3. Not sure if this is important or not but as long as I remember the only thing different I do see is that both VSD and SCCP both have an administrator shields on top of there icons on my desktop. You can see the attached screenshot.

Also, coffeecup mentioned recently after we ran the server test the following

"Your problem is still the same. The warning messages are caused by many of the files being missing or corrupted. The is the core of your issues.

WARNING - File './page.cls.php' does not exist or is significantly smaller than expected. This may not be a problem, test the functioning of your shop itself. This test is not reliable on servers that are not Linux/Unix (see test on PHP version if this may be the case).
Writable Directory Test

WARNING - Could not open './../store/test.tmp' for writing. Some Shopping Cart Creator Pro functionality (e.g. the stock control) and some payment gateways (all except PayPal and Google Checkout) depend on being able to store data on the server. You should not ignore this warning
Mail Configuration

You need to address that issue. I don't think we can do anything on our end. This is an issue you need to discuss with your hosting provider.
"Do you want to make cool responsive website layouts? Check out Responsive Layout Maker Pro and start creating your own responsive layout design now at at"

I can tell you it is frustrating when your hosting provider is telling you nothing is wrong and that it is the FTP client and Coffeecup tells you nothing is wrong with the FTP client and that it is the Hosting provider.
Carlos Regueira - https://minerva-gallery.com

User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

If you want to see if the program settings on your computer are wrong, or files corrupt, or if it is a server issue, you can try this. Go to my website and fill out my contact form. When I get your email address (don't post it here) I'll send you FTP details for an account I created on my server. You can try and upload your shop there. If it works, well, you know the problem is with your server and we can work on that. If it does not work, then we know the problem is that your shop files may be corrupt and we can work on that. This will at least tell us which direction you need to go. :cool:
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!
User 612667 Photo

Registered User
252 posts

Sounds good. I sent it.
Carlos Regueira - https://minerva-gallery.com

User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

Check your email. I'm off to doctor. I'll check my emaill and here when I return. Good luck.
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!
User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

If you haven't, check your email. I sent you the wrong link. I was in a hurry and should have known better. Bottom line is that your shop uploaded with no problems and is on-line for you to look at.

Get back to me after you look at the email. The problem is with your server! Or rather, the server settings!! :cool:
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!
User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

Well, just heard from Carlos and he is getting no where with Host Gator support and has decided to change servers. The problem is his settings for uploading to Host Gator since they were bought out. He was able to upload to an FTP account on my server with no problems. Hopefully the change will do some good! :cool:
Graphics for the web, email, blogs and more!

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