Hi, I recently learned how to add (through help in the forums) a WOWSlider to my site. It looks great, but for whatever reason it's hiding about half of the items in in the Category drop down menu in the Navigation. When I go to any other page, the whole drop down menu is shown if clicked on it, but the Home page with the slider is having this problem. Any suggestions? The site is www.fsportswear.com.
Ahhh yes i ran into that problem before too... let me look up what i did.
Taking over the world one website at a time!
Steve Kolish
YouTube Channel:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL8qVv … ttneYaMSJA
Steve Kolish
YouTube Channel:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL8qVv … ttneYaMSJA
Ok i found it.
You will have to create a custom.css and put it on the root of your server with this in the file:
#wowslider-container1 {
z-index: -1;
Then go to the Shop information where you pasted your wow slider header code and add this:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="custom.css">
Republish your website and you should be good!
You will have to create a custom.css and put it on the root of your server with this in the file:
#wowslider-container1 {
z-index: -1;
Then go to the Shop information where you pasted your wow slider header code and add this:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="custom.css">
Republish your website and you should be good!
Taking over the world one website at a time!
Steve Kolish
YouTube Channel:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL8qVv … ttneYaMSJA
Steve Kolish
YouTube Channel:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL8qVv … ttneYaMSJA
thx Steve

Steve, on the site that you used that code on (so that the menu items weren't blocked), did the slider that was there still have the back/forward buttons on the side? For some reason those buttons are missing, even when I copy and paste slider code from a previous version into my site. I don't know if it's that extra bit of CSS that I added or not.
No it should have nothing to do with adding that css. You may want to move your header code for the wow slider to the bottom. I would make it the last thing in the header.
Taking over the world one website at a time!
Steve Kolish
YouTube Channel:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL8qVv … ttneYaMSJA
Steve Kolish
YouTube Channel:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL8qVv … ttneYaMSJA
Well switching that code around worked to give me back the arrows on each side of the slider, and make them appear as if they have links, but now it's not linking up to anything (as well as all the links that I hard coded into the Shop Home page, since we wanted a horizontal list of all the different links right above the slider). And now the Navigation (Categories) drop down is getting hid by the slider again...
I wonder if it has something to do with the Z-Index? I checked it with the Google Web Tools (you knw when you press F12), and it says the Z-index for the slider is 90. Should that be something else?
Just an fyi, I changed the z-index for the drop down to 500 (this is all being down with WAMP by the way, not a live version)...that worked but it made the arrows and clickable links on the slider dissapear again...is there no way to fix this?
fixed it, changed z-index of all nav bar elements 9999
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