Add to cart button is gone

User 2642995 Photo

Registered User
82 posts

This may be just a result of me staring at the screen for hours, but all of a sudden my View Cart button won't show up when I both preview and export to HTML. I thought it had to do with me changing the button size, but I reduced the size, so if anything it should need some adjusting. Any thoughts?
User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,109 posts

Hi Chris, It may help us determine the issue if you can share the link to your website.
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Steve Kolish

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User 12358 Photo

Registered User
55 posts

Hi Chris,

There are a couple settings under the 'Buttons Properties' settings at the very bottom of the dropdown list in the top right of SCDP.

Once you've selected 'Buttons Properties' take a look at the 'Font' and 'Advanced' tab areas, Those two tabs have a setting at the top of them that could have an impact on your button views:
- "Use Default Browser Buttons" (Advanced tab)
- "Show Default Button Text" (Font tab)

Could it possibly be one of those causing the problem?

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