Form in SCC - Page 3 - Post ID 99243

User 423729 Photo

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26 posts

From the form in SCC discussion to paypal to LOL. What a mess :(
User 2641572 Photo

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1,245 posts

I do believe that people took time out to answer your original question Charlie. :rolleyes:

Offline payments will be integrated in the pro version at some stage. The pro version with that facility isn't yet available, so putting a separate form in there is the only way to achieve what you want at the moment.
User 147665 Photo

712 posts

I will retype this all again,, the site had a hickup and lost it all

i don't want a form on the checkout page or outside the cart site, as a popup or on a product page.. Just a 'normal' contact page within the cart site.

can anyone tell me how to add formbuilder code in a php scc static page?.. I have a SCC page contact.php, now I need to either use echo or print to embed the formbuilder code to the contact.php static page that was outputted by scc.

I am just attempting to learn php and haven't been able to figure this out yet.
If someone can give me a few clues,
I would be happy to write up complete instructions and submit it for the knowledge base.
I know that most people could do it easy with a good write up.
any help would be neat :cool:

User 147665 Photo

712 posts

I guess what is really needed is a way to insert html code into static pages from the front end.

User 147665 Photo

712 posts

ok, never mind, I just found it.. duuuu I will get it figured out someday. 30 minutes, right :P

User 2696797 Photo

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5 posts

I created a web form so the customer can provide his contact info to me, using a static page.
I pasted the html into the page using the tools available.
I also copied the file and directory to the root of my store, but I get this message

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR in /homepages/34/d294553640/htdocs/stitchmeisters/Signup/fbapp/php/ on line 21

Looks like something is in the wrong place, can anyone help this newbie?
The website is
User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,109 posts

Hi Michael,

Did you copy the contents of the folder that WFB spit out. Also id you add the script code that WFB gave you into an html element on the Pages editor?
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 2696797 Photo

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I copied the folder "Signup" and all of its subfolders to my root directory

I also copied "signup.php" to the root directory.

Then I Copied and pasted the script html code to m "register" static page using the html window box

I see it in my website code in my "pages.xml"

<![CDATA[<span>Register Page<br />[[[<script type="text/javascript">document.write(unescape("%3Ciframe id=\"fb_iframe\" src=\"Signup.php" + + "\" width=\"602\" height=\"729\"allowtransparency=\"true\" scrolling=\"no\" frameborder=\"0\"%3E&lt;a href=\"Signup.php\" title=\"Signup\"&gt;Check out my CoffeeCup Form&lt;/a&gt;%3C/iframe%3E"));</script><br /><noscript> <iframe width="602" height="729" style="border:none; background:transparent; overflow:hidden;" id="fb_iframe" src="Signup/Signup.html"> &lt;a href="Signup.php" title="Signup"&gt;Check out my CoffeeCup Form&lt;/a&gt; </iframe></noscript>]]]</span>]]>

User 2088758 Photo

Senior Advisor
3,109 posts

Have you run forms on your server before. I do know they require PHP to be enabled. If you haven't I would check with your host and ask them to enable PHP.
Taking over the world one website at a time!

Steve Kolish

YouTube Channel: … ttneYaMSJA
User 2696797 Photo

Registered User
5 posts

I have not, I will do so and advise

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