I'm designing my shop and in a static page I decided to include a form.
I made the form and inserted the code inside the static, only needed to change a little the code to the correct path to the files:
"<script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"></script>... etc"
"<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.art-i-batik.com/forms/swfobject.js"></script>... etc"
and everything works well but the form results never returned to me and when redirecting the page to a thank you page this fails too.
Ok, I can change some code on php files and shop cart php files but everytime i made any change then need go manually change the all paths again. Not a good solution.
See here http://www.art-i-batik.com/shopping/Reserva.php the solution I made and, please make any comment and share some experience with inserting forms in a static page of shopping cart.
The shop link http://www.art-i-batik.com/shopping/index.php
http://www.jimmythesailor.net (trying to show my photos)
http://www.art-i-batik.com (my wife's gallery)