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User 432694 Photo

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Wolverana wrote:
hiya again Artlife,

Actually the difference in Object vs. Script comes from the checkbox that you can uncheck in the program in any form that you're creating, be it from scratch or from a template.

OK thanks good to know. I think the active content has to do with active x compatibility but I would guess if you aren't using any active x controls then it's unnecessary.
User 432694 Photo

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Marilyn wrote:
Question about Artlife website -- Was the header done in flash? and on the individual pages where you scroll sideways through pictures, was that also done in flash?

The header on the main page is flash, yes, and my portfolio site is a flash gallery. I can't take credit for either- the header is actually a free component and the gallery I paid for ($25). They are both from
My portfolio is in a sad state as I got busy and never finished adding galleries and content.
The other pages of the main site are static images.
User 432694 Photo

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Wolverana wrote:
hiya again Artlife,
DO keep in mind though that this is a separate form and must be sent separately from submitting an order so it won't be sent when they press buy or add to cart or any of those types of buttons.
I do think this would work just fine for most people wanting comments about things, just doesn't work well when wanting to get information on styles, colors, customization etc. of products since it doesn't get sent with the order. It's doable mind you, just clumsy and a bit more work to pair up orders and comment emails.

I forgot to add this in my reply which is I need the text field for an order option (personalization). So it really is impractical as I can't make it required or ask for an email address. That would really be lame. I have 3 other shopping cart programs with my web hosting and none of them have text field input product option. Which amazes me because paypal buttons have very few options but upcharges and text fields are available options.
User 1970050 Photo

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151 posts

Thanks Artlife.... Nice site.
Marilyn near Las Vegas - VSD, CCD pro, SCC pro (web graphics) (travel photos)
User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Hiya Artlife,

Ahh ok that's something many people have been asking for is a comment field for people to put options in for the products such as color choices, text choices and such. I do hope that will be a feature of the new Pro version at some point, but I have not heard much on that feature yet so we'll have to see.

What I can suggest though is that they utilize the PayPal comment box for this feature. If you want you can make sure there is some text on the product page which stands out on the items needing customization so they know to fill in the comment box on the PayPal site when purchasing. This does give you at least a way to get their customization requests. And if there is customization needed, you "do" get their email addresses with PayPal's invoicing system when someone orders, so if you opt to use this comment box and they missed it or forgot you can always email them to ask. But at least it would be a way to try to get the info communicated.
User 31219 Photo

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A question for Jo Ann, in your shop home page you have "there are no items in your cart" on the right near your buttons. Is that a link and what is it linked to so it reads a value. I suppose that sounds a dumb question. Can that also be fitted to a html page?? I see Coffee cup has it at the top of their pages too. I haven't altered anything like that in the menu within my template.
User 432694 Photo

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27 posts

Wolverana wrote:
Hiya Artlife,

Ahh ok that's something many people have been asking for is a comment field for people to put options in for the products such as color choices, text choices and such. I do hope that will be a feature of the new Pro version at some point, but I have not heard much on that feature yet so we'll have to see.

What I can suggest though is that they utilize the PayPal comment box for this feature. If you want you can make sure there is some text on the product page which stands out on the items needing customization so they know to fill in the comment box on the PayPal site when purchasing. This does give you at least a way to get their customization requests. And if there is customization needed, you "do" get their email addresses with PayPal's invoicing system when someone orders, so if you opt to use this comment box and they missed it or forgot you can always email them to ask. But at least it would be a way to try to get the info communicated.

well, frankly can't take the orders that way, asking people to write in the comment box. These are not random internet shoppers so there has to be a correct and efficient method to take the required info. If text input is not a part of the pro version then it'll be worthless to me, unfortunately. And I wish we could get at least a hint of the time frame because I don't want to create all the paypal add to cart buttons if in a week or two the program will be out, but if it's another month or more then I have to go ahead with the alternative because the site has to be live sooner than that.:/
User 432694 Photo

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27 posts

Marilyn wrote:
Thanks Artlife.... Nice site.

User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

Hiya Bob,

It's part of the Shopping Cart Creator system Bob, it has scripts already connected to it that increment numbers in that spot when you add things to the cart. I've never tried doing something like that with an html page, but then again I've never done a shopping cart before either so I don't have a lot of input on that subject for you, sorry. Maybe someone else will know if that can be done, I would assume you would need to use PHP and all that to do it.
User 2641572 Photo

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Artlife wrote:
well, frankly can't take the orders that way, asking people to write in the comment box. These are not random internet shoppers so there has to be a correct and efficient method to take the required info. If text input is not a part of the pro version then it'll be worthless to me, unfortunately. And I wish we could get at least a hint of the time frame because I don't want to create all the paypal add to cart buttons if in a week or two the program will be out, but if it's another month or more then I have to go ahead with the alternative because the site has to be live sooner than that.:/

The only definitive time frame is real soon. :| As well as finalising the product, the development team also have to write out all the documentation for the new program, make sure support staff are fully conversant with the new features and ensure all the trial and purchasing facilities are put into place before the product can be made available for sale. All of those elements take time to implement.

At the moment the only way for customers to submit personalised information is via a html text field placed within the item description, with its own separate submit button. There is currently no way of linking that with the add to cart button at this moment in time. Whilst the custom text feature may become available at some stage, the current development focus has been on adding mainstream features to the pro version, based on extensive prior feedback received from existing cart creator users within the forums.

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