How To Change Default Page Names

User 1980560 Photo

Registered User
38 posts

I know this can be done, because I did it before with another shop - but I completely forgot how to do it. I need to change the default page names (Shop Home, Categories, View Cart, etc) to something of my choosing. I'm using both SCD Pro and SCC Pro. Can somebody clue me in on the page(s) I need to copy off my server so that I can edit those page titles.

As always, Thanks in advance gang!
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,255 posts

Click on "Pages" at the top then click the page name you want to change on the right hand panel and then click the pencil or dbl click the name.:)
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User 2147626 Photo

2,958 posts

In SCCP load up your shop. From the main screen click on the 'Pages' button on the top menu. Under 'Basic Info' on the right, click on the page name that you wish to change. Edit as you see fit. :cool:

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