How to Change Landing or Index Page?...

User 187934 Photo

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20,257 posts

James, Also did you enter text in for the page title text for each page? That's what I think were seeing and getting confused. Just a thought.;)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
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This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2268411 Photo

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10 posts

Eric, Under Shop Home, Pages, I have checked "Don't Show Anything."
In some cases I did not enter text for the page title text. In fact I entered a "space" so that nothing would show up in that space.
User 2268411 Photo

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10 posts

Eric and Bren,
For the moment, there are two sites, one created with VSD ( and one created with SCC/SDC-Pro ( At first I had wanted to embed the SCC site as an iframe in the VSD site. That did not work. Then I sought to replicate the VSD site in SCC. That is where I am now. Of course, I only need one of these sites so eventually, I will eliminate the VSD site and use only the SCC site if I can figure out a way to have a visitor to land there. I think I will have to delete the VSD site and place all the content of the SCC site in the public folder of Then I will rename home.php and index.php to index.php and home.php respectively. That way first time visitors will land on the tab that I have named "White Hat Books" (the one SSD calls "home."

Make sense? I know using the SCC site will limit expansion possibilities for the site but I may have to settle for that right now.

I hope you know how much I appreciate people taking time to look at this and wade through what must seem like a pretty confused request for help. Thanks.
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,257 posts

Eric Rohloff (Rolly) wrote:
What do you have checked for (Homepage) Optional under "Your Shop" then "Pages" tab?

Look at the bottom of that window. That's what I'm referencing to.
(Homepage) Optional
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 2268411 Photo

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10 posts

Under "Homepage (Optional)" I checked "Use Pages tool and enter my own content."
User 187934 Photo

Senior Advisor
20,257 posts

That's what I was thinking. So there's some confusion because your entering your own content and entering a title text.
Did you see this post? I bet it will do what you need.;)
I can't hear what I'm looking at.
It's easy to overlook something you're not looking for.

This is a site I built for my work.(RSD)
This is a site I built for use in my job.(HTML Editor)
This is my personal site used for testing and as an easy way to share photos.(RLM imported to RSD)
User 514943 Photo

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125 posts

Hello James Lee,

I changed the Shop Home to Information.
Changed the Home page to Welcome.

Now when a client enters my cart it defaults to the Information page. I would like for them to default land on the Home page which is my Welcome page.

By the way, I like your
I had cancer in 2003. That was my new beginning as a photographer/designer!

Coffee Cup Team- will this be an option soon- changing the landing page?
Love those Nikon's!
User 539803 Photo

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2,156 posts

SCCb works the same as SCCP so check out this thread … stom-page/
Started using CC VSD in January 2009, I don't do HTML code, Sales from CC site exceeding expectations taken me out of semi-retirement
My new VSD & SCCP site Oct 2011
My friendly window cleaner

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