True the bots need feeding and I have done little to get the site promoted yet, it is still really early days for this site and I just really wanted to show people how shopping cart V3.5 can be implemented.
I must admit that I do have a background in web commerce and 25 years experience in computers (only the last 15 or so in internet).
Two sites that I completed in the last few months are and Now these are .net, sql and flash based (among other things) and on a much grander scale. They each bring in 3 million £ worth of sales a month.
But one thing we did before they were launched was market research with specialist companies and test sites. This included over 400 test subjects. Plus special glasses that recorded where people looked on the page and where they went in the site.
Very strong aspects that came out were that people did not want to much text to read unless they asked for it (they did not want information overload). They preferred bold and eye catching items. They did not like having to scroll but preferred to click on items. They never looked at the front page and just went away, they always tried clicking (even on some very bad sites we showed them where it was not obvious what to click). They did not like slow loading pages. Many other items were lower down the list but it is a 40 page report so probably not best if I go in to it all here.
This was an expensive exercise to carry out (in the £ thousands), so luckily I did not have to foot the bill

Using this information is the way that my site was designed.
Everyone has different views on what is the best site. Certainly a lot is based around what we have done in the past or what we do when we go to a website. But that is not always the best way forward. I certainly had to rethink things after getting the report.
I am not trying to say that other peoples ways are wrong in others eyes or that my way is right in others eyes. Just that it is based on solid research rather than a belief that what I am doing is right.
One of the joys of the internet is that different people do things in different ways. Its a bit like buying magazines. Many cover the same subject but they may be different styles, we pick the one that appeals to us. It would be boring if all the sites looked the same style.