Ian Hunter wrote:Ian Hunter wrote:Well here's our shop -
Looking forward to the New Styler, already had a play and am very impressed.
Have built in a "Web Form Builder" contact page and a "Flash FireStarter" about us page
Well done CoffeeCup

Have you made some changes? Re-posting previous posts is not necessary and is frowned up in some forums...we won't frown...but in the future...no need to quote and re-post...just tell us what you've done in a new post and we'll take a look!
Edit...reading newer post...actually the RSS feed is what can be picked up...becomes an rss xml file. You can actually link to the same RSS in your header of your site...register the feed generated by the program with something like feedburner (now owned by Google - of course - *giggle*) and it can be read through others' RSS readers, too.
Text within flash still invisible to bots...so menus, etc using flash should be avoided...or used with an alternative available to feed the bots and those rare individuals who turn off flash, javascript, etc (basically the whole internet experience)...they have feelings, too

But the rest of us will go on loving the eye candy!