I do custom saddles and leatherwork. You can visit the following to see my shop or to see lots of samples of saddles and gear I have made in the past. - The Store - The rest of my web presence
Thanks, hope you drop by (and buy something too!).
I do custom saddles and leatherwork. You can visit the following to see my shop or to see lots of samples of saddles and gear I have made in the past. - The Store - The rest of my web presence
Thanks, hope you drop by (and buy something too!).
Hi. The only thing I would suggest as an improvement to your site, is a better header. Go for one that shows horses kitted out with your products, a prairie scene, or anything that gives more bias to what it is you actually do. Other than that, the site is fine.

I agree with Will on the Header area. I would also suggest a menu system of some sort. It's not a "necessary" thing, but tends to look nicer than having a list of 20 or so links down the page and gives you a bit more organizational tools to work with to steer (no pun intended lol) your visitors a little easier than reading a lot of links does. Just a preference mind you, but I think it would look a lot nicer if you had a nice menu and you could even use buttons that have horse type graphics on them

Hello I'm working on my webstore, I found Shopping Cart Designer and Creator very usefull, thanks development team!
There's something I would like to modify (as we're in Italy), so if it's possible...
a) in the menu many words are in english (of course), I tried to change them in italian, but if I do the translation, then errors occour.
b) it should be nice to add a fixed space on top and on the side to add banners or jpg images...
c) in the cart page, how can I put the "update cart" text and button at the button of the page: if you have many products, the update (as it's on top) is not visible.
d) it's seems the cart page gives me an error if before to go to paypal I have firstly to click on the "update button"...
e) many "hidden" text is in english.... How can I translate it? (for example... "There are no items in your cart", and many other...
f) I really would like to have the chance to add "sub-categories", so items can be groupped better...
Thanks for all!
There's something I would like to modify (as we're in Italy), so if it's possible...
a) in the menu many words are in english (of course), I tried to change them in italian, but if I do the translation, then errors occour.
b) it should be nice to add a fixed space on top and on the side to add banners or jpg images...
c) in the cart page, how can I put the "update cart" text and button at the button of the page: if you have many products, the update (as it's on top) is not visible.
d) it's seems the cart page gives me an error if before to go to paypal I have firstly to click on the "update button"...
e) many "hidden" text is in english.... How can I translate it? (for example... "There are no items in your cart", and many other...
f) I really would like to have the chance to add "sub-categories", so items can be groupped better...
Thanks for all!
Hi Scott,
Shopping Cart is very good and user friendly. I am still learning all the possibilities.
In this store we sell unique items, so it would be nice to have a automatic option to remove or hide once it is sold. I guess with flat files is a little tricky, maybe the developers can implement a counter for next version.
Also, I wonder if I can customize the colorbox (or popup item window). Sorry if this is not the right post.
The store is at:
I was glad to see that I can use a subdomain too:
Shopping Cart is very good and user friendly. I am still learning all the possibilities.
In this store we sell unique items, so it would be nice to have a automatic option to remove or hide once it is sold. I guess with flat files is a little tricky, maybe the developers can implement a counter for next version.
Also, I wonder if I can customize the colorbox (or popup item window). Sorry if this is not the right post.
The store is at:
I was glad to see that I can use a subdomain too:
Hiya smurky,
Not sure if the colorbox options will change in the Pro version or not, but the limited quantities setup will be in the Pro version when that is released soon
Not sure if the colorbox options will change in the Pro version or not, but the limited quantities setup will be in the Pro version when that is released soon

Thanks Wolverana,
Are you talking about pro cart or pro designer?
I review others people's stores and I see that they are customizing the preview (colorbox?) feature, but I cannot find information on how to do it.
Are you talking about pro cart or pro designer?
I review others people's stores and I see that they are customizing the preview (colorbox?) feature, but I cannot find information on how to do it.

Pro version of the Shopping Cart Creator will have the limited quanities setup smurky, not sure if either of them will address the colorbox question or not though, hopefully someone else will have an answer for that here. I'm not aware of any settings anywhere that adjust the colorbox itself at all. As for the normal graphic like in my shop, I have created a background image (the purple with the gold border) which I then put all my products onto that graphic so it's got a nice background around it.
Hello all:
I purchased most of your Programs and been telling friends all over.
Just wanted to say thanks for EASY Software.
The main page is done in VSD
The store is done with coffeecup Shopping cart creator
I purchased most of your Programs and been telling friends all over.
Just wanted to say thanks for EASY Software.
The main page is done in VSD
The store is done with coffeecup Shopping cart creator
Hi all, After many hours I have finally got my head around this program but there are still a few things I need to learn. I bought both the SCC and SCD. The link to my home page went live on New years day. Still got to find out how PayPal actually works and how I get my money back into my account in NZ. Any ideas on how I can improve things are most welcome for this old learner. I tried to fit a drop down menue to the shopfront page but didn't work as the address went to the folder. I need to find the page where I can edit that so this will have to do in the meantime.
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