I think everyone is being completely ridiculous about this. Having the page say it was created by coffeecup does in no way make it seem unprofessional. The thing had to be made by something.
You know, as I've followed this footer deal, and considering my own thoughts, I've sorta come to the conclusion that:
It may not be the coffeecup credit that's bugging some... it's the inability to actually have a quick 'custom footer'... in addition
The 'creator' deserves his 'copyright', We're using it under license. CC could have been more blatant with a "copyright" notice.
So, when I modified mine, I modified CC's line slightly to acknowledge their "copyrights" in a subtle manner, as CC had done.
Why the heck not, Folks? Seems like Scott has been saying they'd look into adding a 'footer' modification on an updated version...
Besides, we've told everyone how to modify it in posts above...
I think... therefore, I'm in a mess....