Shipping feature- anyone know how to do?

User 515676 Photo

38 posts

I would like to charge a fixed shipping charge on any order of say $15AUD no matter how many items they purchase, and then using the handling charge feature be able to adjust for added items.
I can't see how any order can have just one fixed shipping cost , can anyone help with this?

Some say it can't be done, while others are doing it.
User 577896 Photo

Registered User
25 posts

Reginald, This is something a lot of people are asking. It seems that there are no easy answers. I was told by Scott and Cesar that this software cannot do this sort of discount shipping. Hope they include it in the next version.
User 515676 Photo

38 posts

I really think it would be a simple matter in the software to add a shipping cost to the order instead of the product. Maybe both could be used and that way the software remains the same as is now but has this added feature of setting a shipping cost on each order as well.
It would overcome a myriad of problems we have now and should be a very simple fix.
Some say it can't be done, while others are doing it.
User 577896 Photo

Registered User
25 posts

I think that would fix most of my problems. Say the buyer orders 10 items, and you would have a set price for the total order, no mater how many items in that order. Then on top of that you would have the option of adding a cost to each item that is put in the cart.

When do you suppose we could get that implemented into a new version?

User 164622 Photo

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21 posts

I sell plants and usually add shipping over the base shipping per item. I set a handling charge for each item - and used the multiple shipping option (make sure you add two options). One option is the regular shipping (for my cart it is $3 for shipping 'standard' and 10 more for deluxe - but not expecting anyone to choose that). The 3 + 2 is the base shipping for one item. Add 2 for each additional item - which tracks what I want to charge. Works for me - so I thought I would share it for anyone who can use the paradigm.

Life should be a little bit nuts. If not, it is just a bunch of Thursdays strung together.

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User 515676 Photo

38 posts

I know that the system would work for me well, and also you have indicated that it would work for you also.
I wonder if Scott and the others at CC have thought about this method and how really simple it would be to implement in the software.
Some say it can't be done, while others are doing it.
User 597929 Photo

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1,332 posts

Would it be possible to "sell" a "shipping item" and somehow indicate to the customer they must select one as part of the order?
"You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline - it helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer." -- Frank Zappa

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User 515676 Photo

38 posts

I did think of that, but if a customer didn't select a shipping order then they would end up getting the shipping for free. It would be so much easier if it were built into the software as an option for creating the cart with a order shipping cost, plus have the shipping options for products too.
Some say it can't be done, while others are doing it.
User 597929 Photo

Registered User
1,332 posts

Yeah, I thought that might be a problem, but I've not used the software so didn't know whether you could assert a kind of "if this then always that" rule that forced something to be added. Guess that's not good business normally, so no reason for it to exist, eh? :cool:
"You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline - it helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer." -- Frank Zappa

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User 515676 Photo

38 posts

Maybe there is a way to force a product to an order, and that product could be a shipping item? Anyone know if this is possible?
Some say it can't be done, while others are doing it.

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