Stephen Hall wrote:
Quick question, is there a way to add an option for an item for the user to upload an image? I'm wanting to sell customize gift cards with images that the buyer is wanting, and instead of having to e-mail them asking them for the photo it would be nice to have the option! Thanks! this has to be the best Coffee Cup Program Yet!
You can do what I did for dog tags. I needed a way for the customer to get me the tag details. Initially I was going to put a form in the Item Detail section, but for technical reasons forms won't work there. On the detail page they choose shape/size of tag and font they want. Then I created a separate page with a form on it made by CC Form Builder(you could use this for them to upload a picture, give details). Then you put a link in the Item detail section to the page with your form on it. In my case I was able to make that page secure as well, so people don't need to worry about giving personal information. It works very well, and I think it's better than having the form in the detail section because on the page with the form I'm able to give more detailed instructions such as how many characters you can use on a particular tag, what fonts are available, etc., than if I would have included it with the item itself.