I've been following all of the questions and problems that various customers have been writing about and have noticed that most of them seem to be from customers in foreign countries.
Have you concidered making a change to the shopping cart, and possibly your other software also at some point, to allow the user to change the prompts to their native language?
Instead of , Shop, Check Out, Add to Cart, etc. These could be the default, but in a field that the end user can edit to convert it to whatever language his/her customers will probably be?
Better yet, have an associated field that if anything is entered into it would display at the users option english and/or the other language too.
This would certainly go a long way to making your programs more globally appealing
Have you concidered making a change to the shopping cart, and possibly your other software also at some point, to allow the user to change the prompts to their native language?
Instead of , Shop, Check Out, Add to Cart, etc. These could be the default, but in a field that the end user can edit to convert it to whatever language his/her customers will probably be?
Better yet, have an associated field that if anything is entered into it would display at the users option english and/or the other language too.
This would certainly go a long way to making your programs more globally appealing
We are actually in the process of doing just that. As we release new software, it will be fully ready for translation. It is a very time consuming process as you can imagine. Our hope is to by the end of '09 have the majority of our software available in may languages and operating systems.
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I tried the "Shopping cart" software and it's really easy and fast, but...can I get it in German and/or French?
I tried the "Shopping cart" software and it's really easy and fast, but...can I get it in German and/or French?
Right now our software is only available in the English language.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
Hi Scott,
thanks for the quick response!
How long do you think it will take to get it in the German/French version?
thanks for the quick response!
How long do you think it will take to get it in the German/French version?
Right now I really can't say. Our goal is to have all of our software translated by the end of 2009.
Learn the essentials with these quick tips for Responsive Site Designer, Responsive Email Designer, Foundation Framer, and the new Bootstrap Builder. You'll be making awesome, code-free responsive websites and newsletters like a boss.
As this seems to be where we request other languages ... I would like a Swedish version. Would it be possible to get that in a future version of Shopping Cart? If you need someone to do the translation I'll be glad to help! 

/OmeMedia (a.k.a. Jörgen Broström)
Yes,, i would purchase it today, if it had language option.
What about, giving us, native sperkars some text files to translate, and then in next version include IMPORT of external text file.
This would boost up the sales definitly
What about, giving us, native sperkars some text files to translate, and then in next version include IMPORT of external text file.
This would boost up the sales definitly
exactly my thing - i´d like it in german, with german buttons or the option to change the button description - would be a 1st step to get it more flexible.
if theres some help needed to translate it into german - i will help - and the community, too
if theres some help needed to translate it into german - i will help - and the community, too

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
regards: ollicajon
Cajonmania.de - Cajones & Percussion
regards: ollicajon
Cajonmania.de - Cajones & Percussion
That would be great...
Russian please....
Russian please....

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