The folks at Coffeecup have already pointed out in another thread, that they currently have no developers available to work on the translation project at the moment. All the focus is currently on developing the pro version of the cart creator, which is due for release soon. It may be at some later stage the developers will have the time to do this translation, but that would be unlikely to be for a while yet.
Actually Will, there is a thread started that has asked for people that speak different languages to post there and contact Scott so they can get the translations on the table. That was about a week ago that post was done, I'd have to find the link to know which area it's in, but quite a few people are responding to it so I would assume that Translations are going to be started soon

If you look under the thread in the break room Jo Ann, you will see that it was only last Thursday that Scott stated they had no developers available. 
Whilst it is kind of people to offer their services for translation, just remember how many programs Coffeecup has.currently has. The developers would have to hand code masses of files to incorporate all those languages into the functions of each one of those programs. Every language would need its own coding. That's a massive job for the developers, involving hundreds of hours work.
Coffeecup is only a small company remember, with finite resources.

Whilst it is kind of people to offer their services for translation, just remember how many programs Coffeecup has.currently has. The developers would have to hand code masses of files to incorporate all those languages into the functions of each one of those programs. Every language would need its own coding. That's a massive job for the developers, involving hundreds of hours work.
Coffeecup is only a small company remember, with finite resources.

I stand corrected lol, I saw the posts, and didn't see the dates the day I was reading it, so it must have been when it got bumped up on Thursday and here I thought it was new and all those people were posting that day! My bad, I'll pay better attention

I truly apologize for not reading closely enough and blabbering stuff out
I know nothing in programming, back when we started developing our websites from scratch (with no knowledge), I bought some stuff from Sothink, as coffeecup didn't provide enough at that time. Soo, to get closer to the point, not so long ago they did a little upgrade (again, I don't know how long it took them) and added Encoding options. So, if CC is going to make SCC2 and add the encoding, I believe most of the problems with language will be gone (of course to solve it everyone will have to upgrade etc)
Again, I apologize if my little knowledge makes me look demanding and or whatever it might seem like...
I know nothing in programming, back when we started developing our websites from scratch (with no knowledge), I bought some stuff from Sothink, as coffeecup didn't provide enough at that time. Soo, to get closer to the point, not so long ago they did a little upgrade (again, I don't know how long it took them) and added Encoding options. So, if CC is going to make SCC2 and add the encoding, I believe most of the problems with language will be gone (of course to solve it everyone will have to upgrade etc)
Again, I apologize if my little knowledge makes me look demanding and or whatever it might seem like...
No need to apologize, I'm sure. Actually, looking back at your posts, you have been "blabbering" very little - and not "demanding" very much either
No need to apologize, I'm sure. Actually, looking back at your posts, you have been "blabbering" very little - and not "demanding" very much either

long wondered about this translation, also in Italian. Would be sufficient, at least for now, to edit the key words exist. ex. view cart, shop home ecc ecc.
I think F4bius is approaching the practical solution to this whole issue of software translations. It is really only the key words on the final web page that are needed in different languages, for example the ones he mentions like "view cart", "shop home", etc. in SCC and similarly in other modules/programs.
Rather than translating and producing different language versions, which would be unmanageable as well as prohibitively costly and timeconsuming, I think CC should make it possible for the user to simply edit those key words.
In some of the CC programs, this is already an available option. Take for example CC Photo Gallery, where the few words that appear on the web page are indeed fully editable: "Play Slideshow", "Pause Slideshow", "Show Albums", etc.. There, the user can put in whatever words that are desired, in whatever language desired, and that's really all we need!
Rather than translating and producing different language versions, which would be unmanageable as well as prohibitively costly and timeconsuming, I think CC should make it possible for the user to simply edit those key words.
In some of the CC programs, this is already an available option. Take for example CC Photo Gallery, where the few words that appear on the web page are indeed fully editable: "Play Slideshow", "Pause Slideshow", "Show Albums", etc.. There, the user can put in whatever words that are desired, in whatever language desired, and that's really all we need!
Obviously all the focus is currently on the forthcoming pro version of cart creator and that new software is vital to move the product forward. Once the core product has been released and gone through its initial refining cycle, the ability to change those primary keywords would potentially enable the product to reach out to a much larger international audience.
I'm sure that many English speaking users would also like to change some of those words around. Those selling artwork and photographs renaming categories to galleries perhaps? I must admit I personally prefer the term view basket to view cart.
I do appreciate that Coffeecup only has a small development team, that are facing a whole new bunch of challenges creating the pro version, so I wouldn't expect to see such changes for quite a while yet.
I'm sure that many English speaking users would also like to change some of those words around. Those selling artwork and photographs renaming categories to galleries perhaps? I must admit I personally prefer the term view basket to view cart.
I do appreciate that Coffeecup only has a small development team, that are facing a whole new bunch of challenges creating the pro version, so I wouldn't expect to see such changes for quite a while yet.
If Pro is everything that it could be, maybe the ability to create and edit your own labels would be a starting point for international users. This would bypass the need to have true translation as Per pointed out.
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