Shopping Cart Shipping vs.

User 2034184 Photo

Registered User
4 posts

I'm sorry, :( but I'm not clear on the relationship between setting up shipping rates in Shopping Cart Creator versus setting up shipping rates in our Paypal account itself. (Incidentally, we placed a simple actual test order via SCC, via Paypal [of course], and, it worked successfully, as expected.)

As you are aware, Paypal clients may establish Shipping Calculations' policies at their Policies page itself: Profile | My Selling Tools | Shipping My Items | Shipping Calculations | Domestic Shipping Methods.

But, what shipping formula is employed on a given Shopping-Cart-to-Paypal order: (1) the shipping amount settings which I making in SCC, or (2) the shipping amount settings that I establish within my Profile?


Jim Coram
User 187934 Photo

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20,257 posts

If I remember correctly your Paypal account acts as the auto correct. If data comes in with bits and pieces missing, it will fill in what has been entered in the account. The shop should have the ultimate call otherwise there would be no way for the proper amounts to be shown in the cart because the two only talk to each other when a transaction is taking place not when users are selecting things and placing them in their cart.:)
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User 38401 Photo

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10,951 posts

I'm pretty sure the shipping policies and any other specific transaction settings you put into PayPal, only affect if you are using a PayPal interface such as the PayPal Buttons. That information won't extend to external shop gateways such as Shopping Cart Creator shops. There are "some" settings that will though, but these don't affect your shop from CC.
User 2541800 Photo

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6 posts

If i use paypal standard in my cart to process all payments & want to use the paypal shipping calculator, do i leave shipping area blank on the coffee cup cart creator?

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