a suggestion for the next release ?
Make it possible to add navigation buttons/tabs to the menu so clients can easily leave the webshop and go to the website again.
Hiya Carl,
I agree that buttons should be addable to the menu for sure. In the mean time the easiest way to integrate your shop and website if you have separate entities is to go into your settings of your shop and have the Home page be linked to a URL and put your websites home page URL in there. Then just add a button to your website menu to go to the shop if you haven't already. This gives you a flawless system of the website actually being the main focus and home of the entire entity with the shop being a part of the website. Not perfect, but it does work pretty slick.
1. Open Your Shop button at the top.
2. Choose the Pages tab of that window that opens for Shop Settings.
3. Last section is the Homepage (optional) section. Choose the "Link to" radio button and in that box put the full address of your home page to your website.