As my use would be for one off items. If the add to cart buttons could be turned off it would be perfect for me even the current version.
I am hoping that a simple inventry system could be added. I have solved it for starters but it is labour intensive. I have trialed the original version and could insert my own payment buttons.
I have started populating my site at I am hoping that you can offer me what I am after before I go to far down the track I am on.
My use is a online garage sale of one off items. I solved the inventory of one only in a simplistic manner with a bit of php. I am quite prepared to share with CC if it could be incorporated somehow. Not that I believe I am that good at these things. Horses for courses I am afraid.
I really do like CC's Form Builder for it's ease of use and professional output. That is why I am so keen to get on board.
The present concept of the shopping cart software is fantastic but in my case $50 is doable, additional modules is a bit over the top for me at least.
I will keep coming back hoping to get what I want.
I tried the Zen cart but it was overkill for me so I dunped it.
Also I never thought of changing the name of a submit button and redirecting. so this visit to the forums certainly has given me a winner and an idea. There is more than one way to skin a cat. How I love my form builder.
The Guy from OZ