A newcomer basic questions

User 2618691 Photo

Registered User
2 posts

I am a new user to Site Designer and just to start I have 2 questions that I don't seem too find the answers for in other help tools of the software
1) On first launch of the software I have selected frameworkless without really understanding the impact and now I would like to change to one of the 3 recommended. I don't seem to see how and everytime I open a new file it starts with framewokless. How can I change that?
2) Is it possible to import a previously build html site I have in Site Designer and beef it up with the software's CSS and framework tools?
User 379556 Photo

Registered User
1,576 posts

Hi, and welcome to the joys of Site Designer (SD).

1. When the program starts it usually shows the Template Chooser. In the left column of that one can click on 'Blank' and then in the panel on the right choose one of the six 'framework' items. When that has been done, one clicks on 'Choose' in the bottom right-hand corner of the panel.

If the Template Chooser doesn't appear when the program starts. one can switch to the Template Chooser by clicking on the Templates icon near the top left of the program window.

2. One cannot simply import an HTML file into SD and start using the CSS etc. facilities of SD to adjust things in it. What one can do is rebuild it in SD first, and, depending on how complex the site is, that may not be too difficult or time consuming. One would already have the images, video files etc. which could be placed in SD Resources, and text etc. can easily be copied and pasted from the original site - I usually open the old HTML in a browser for quickly copying text.

User 2618691 Photo

Registered User
2 posts

Thank You Frank for both comments.
It is working for me now!

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