Grid Help.

User 2623310 Photo

282 posts

Hi All,
I'm using the free theme is including with RSD. I have question about the background color for the grid. It is currently set white with a O for transparent. Can I add a transparent image to the grid background? Will that work getting it to be transparent instead showing white all the time?

Thanks for the help.
User 187934 Photo

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Did you try it?
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Scott Larson wrote:
Hi All,
I'm using the free theme is including with RSD. I have question about the background color for the grid. It is currently set white with a O for transparent. Can I add a transparent image to the grid background? Will that work getting it to be transparent instead showing white all the time?

The grid background is the background of the page. If you add a transparent image, nothing changes. However, it sounds like you want something other than a white background. Here's how.

You probably already know most, if not all, of this, but I'm going to go through it all to help anyone who might have this question.
In the image above, you can see where the grid area is. To change that, make sure the grid is selected and then click "Background" in the properties panel which will bring up the small panel you see at the bottom right.
You make your changes to the background in the small background settings window that pops up when you click "Background." There are two primary settings to which you need to pay attention, and they are both on the bottom row of settings.

# - In this box, enter the hex color that you want for your background.
a - In this box, enter the opacity (the amount of transparency) of the color that you want with 0 being completely transparent and 1 being no transparency.

In the example above, I have the color set to 550000 which is a deep burgundy. Normally, I would have no transparency for a grid background, but I added some transparency here just to demonstrate it. I set the opacity to 0.2 which gives it a pastel color.

As I said above, I do not recommend using a transparent grid color. See that pastel color for the background? There is a hex value for it: #DDCCCC. It is better to get the color you want, determine the hex code for it and then set the grid to that color with an opacity of 1. See below.
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User 271657 Photo

3,816 posts

Is there a way to add an image or pattern rather than a color?
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User 2088758 Photo

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Yes very easy to do PB.Its the second dropdown below the color picker that says image, change it from non to local and upload your image. The only draw back right now is there is no transparency setting for background images so you have to set the transparency on the image before you bring it into RSD.
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User 2623310 Photo

282 posts

Thanks for the info. It is very helpful!:)

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